Thank you, Watchtower, for making me what I am ...

by Fatfreek 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fatfreek

    Skeptical! You taught me how to trust no religion and to challenge them all about their doctrines and teachings. I learned for 21 years how to do this and I did it well, according to your standard.

    It finally occurred to me that I needed to ask you a few questions;

    1. have you been honest in all things or
    2. have you ever been guilty of attempting to cover up certain facts?

    It took me awhile, dense that I am at times, but I finally learned that you have two faces when it comes to such questions.

    When such questions are directed the other way, one face looks happy and friendly and hospitable. When redirected toward you, however, a second face suddenly appears and it turns suspicious and angry.

    Thank you, Watchtower, for one of life’s important lessons.


  • Stealth453

    Well put.


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    So very TRUE!!!!!

  • littlerockguy


    The WTS is also very good at teaching you to be very cynical which helps you cut through a lot BS you might get involved with later if you are too trusting of other's motives.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    So true!
    I was converted at a young age. I was taught to 'question everything' 'if it's not based no the Bible reject it'. What happened? I kept questioning, even when the WTS wanted me to stop. I never stopped but instead just kept going. Their own insistance in the search for truth and not just accepting brough me into the org and took me right out.

  • Terry

    I'm not sure I was ever skeptical so much as arrogant about being right and surrounded by knuckle-draggers who were wrong.

    Through the haze of years it is difficult to pinpoint where my head was. (Maybe IT was a pinpoint!)

    The high of being absolutely certain is higher than drugs could ever lift you!

    The complacency of soul is character eroding.

    The thing is this.

    Do you recall how, when going from door to door, certain householders would not take the magazines but would voice respect for the fact you were motivated enough to go out and preach? That respect was always missing from the JW's toward other religions.

    I can recall the roiling cynicism toward Charity especially. It was as if sincerety and devotion on the part of others was something to be pitied and sneered at.

    Where did that come from?

    Answer: Judge Ruitherford. RELIGION IS A SNARE and a RACKET.

    That supercilious view soaked in to the core of this religion and never left.

  • alamb

    brilliant...and so clear now. Thank you for putting words to it.

  • parakeet

    ..... a Witness, in the truest sense of the word. A Witness to the carnage a small-minded religion run by small-minded men can inflict on innocent people. I witnessed that carnage, and I will not forget.

  • Fatfreek

    Some great thoughts here:
    Their own insistance in the search for truth and not just accepting brought me into the org and took me right out. Drew
    ... certain householders would not take the magazines but would voice respect for the fact you were motivated enough to go out and preach? That respect was always missing from the JW's toward other religions. Terry
    It was as if sincerity and devotion on the part of others was something to be pitied and sneered at. Terry
    A Witness to the carnage a small-minded religion run by small-minded men can inflict on innocent people. Parakeet


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