Evil plan or slip-back to brainsuck? :(

by merfi 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • merfi

    I DA'd in March. I've done enough research and know enough about the Org to know that I could never never believe that crap again. I doubt the Bible... I despise the label of "religion" in general and have found such wonderful freedom in my... freedom. :) As a single blonde hottie sister, (j/k sorta) I was resented and picked on by the elders for everything from my skirt slits to my jeep and so on and so on. I was seen as wearing a big red A after a post-separation affair that gave life to my heart and sucked it out, all at the same time. But anyway... there wasn't forgiveness in my BOE towards me when I was pleading for understanding and mercy and plain ol' compassion and help. I know they have personal issues with me that will never go away...


    I miss my friends. I know they are conditional and will be only 'friends' if I am of 'one mind' with them. Stupidness... But I do miss them. Ok, maybe I miss the 'something to do' and the chats 'round the kitchen table with a couple of the women. And I do miss the sometimes warmth that they truly believe that they have for me... Ya know that feeling of a favorite pair of sweats? As f'd up as this religion is, life as a jw is sort of that 'familiar' thing -- at least the surroundings, but not the 'beliefs' that I could never hold again. The ex is still jw, and so the kids sorta are. The ex takes it upon himself to "explain" me and my feelings and actions to members of my former cong, yet he is 2 hours away... He's undermining... something. I just can't quite put my finger on it, but it bugs the crap outta me. I am not ALLOWED to speak for myself as nobody asks ME, but they ask HIM about me. And really, he has no clue about who I am anymore and his emotional/mental abuse has changed me into someone he doesn't know...

    I'm rambling. ~sigh~

    The kids were home this weekend, and yesterday we spent in the sun at the pool, just hanging and relaxing. I didn't feel like driving for 3 hours (round trip) to take them back to him and they didn't feel like it either. So ex and I bargained via text message. He wanted them back tonight in time for BS, but I couldn't meet him until a time that he had a photo shoot... so... I *gag* agreed to take the kids to the BS here and we're switching kids tomorrow a.m. Fine. So, not able to eat, I spiffed some for 5:15pm BS tonight. (back in the day, I would have at least showered after a mild workout, but not today. meh. "cover lotion" thanks to B&BW) We went. I hadn't been to a meeting since early May, and walked out early from that one as I couldn't stomach it. For some reason, tonight was a bit different. I didn't feel like throwing up. I did tune it out fairly well, except for the comment from the conductor about friends "dying" and his twisting it to include 'friends that we miss'... ie: me, without outright saying so. There was also some comment about imitating Jesus in his forgiveness... I stared down the elder on that one, as he was one of the bastards in my jc. (albeit the nicest of all three, but whatever)

    So I'm wondering... could I stand to 'go back' and 'fade' ... I think Drew Sagan pondered doing this as well, but decided to nix that. My situation is a bit different, having little kids. But not that much different. I'm sure there are situations just like mine around here somewhere. I'm just not sure if I could stomach a year of hearing this crap, pretending to believe it... I know I was 'indoctinated' enough to be able to fake it good. Under no circumstances do I believe that "jehovah is with these people" -- quite the contrary, actually (Deut 18:20-22 comes to mind). But is wasting a year worth getting "friends" and a sense of 'normalcy' back...? I could get myself RI, then become a fringe-er... irregular, some meetings... just enough to be at least greeted at walmart. lol I dunno...

    Maybe I need to go read C of C again. after smacking myself on the side of the head with it.


    --indecisive class--

  • Odrade

    If you were resented and picked on by the elders, some of whom may have personal issues with you, how do you know you will be able to fade after being reinstated, without them coming after you again, or at least watching you constantly for a slip-up? And also, why are you so sure that it would only be a year? I dunno, only you can decide if it would be good for you to do it or not. I say, try to hook up with some friends outside of the Org first and see how that goes.

  • juni

    Well Merfi maybe it would be different in your case, but I personally know of someone who is a JW and not DF or DA. He goes to some mtgs. to stay in contact w/a few friends. Doesn't believe their crap and the way they treat others, but thought he'd put it to the test to see how he would be treated after being out for awhile.

    He even aux. pioneered for awhile. Gave #2 talk. Answered at studies. You know the routine. Well...... he was treated like crap by the elders. And 1 elder is his fleshly brother who doesn't have anything to do with him. They were always questioning his sincerety. One thing after another.

    I guess you have to do what you feel is right for your kids. Everyone's situation is different.

    Love ya Merf.

    Juni PS Did you slather on Juniper Breeze lotion?? lol

  • magoo

    merfi....try some community volunteer work....you will meet some real friends...who really like helping people


  • karen96

    You may want to ask yourself: "How would my kids view my being reinstated just to fade?" I know it's hard when you miss people you were close with, but wouldn't the better good come from sticking up for what you believe in? Just some thoughts.


  • merfi

    Hiya Juni! LOL no, it wasn't juniperbreeze, but white tea & ginger. ;) I needed a strong one. Thanks for your response and lovins--

    -- you and the others as well. I think I'm just in a weird place right now -- that zone between jw and post-jw. Talking with the dub girl this past week didn't help any, in fact it brought sooo much to the surface that I'm sure this is where all this is coming from. I agree with your suggestions of finding other things to do, other friends... which I have, but ya know that comfort zone thing.

    They were always questioning his sincerety.

    I have a feeling that the elders would definitely do this to me... they did it to me as a dub, they know I wrote that article in the paper, they surely see my USA flag flying on my house... one elder questioned the ex if I was 'too out there' to make a 'return', so the BS meters would be up in the nearly-red zone for them, I'm sure. So really, I doubt that I could truly pull this off. The cost of regaining "friends" that really are NOT true friends (and I've made and leaned on some wonderful, beautiful-hearted non-dub friends thru the years before and during all this) probably isn't worth it.

    What I need to do, to make my own little self proud, is to stand up for what I KNOW and FEEL is right. Even if it's by not doing a damn thing... just keep on living as I have been, post-DA healing phase... feeling out formerly 'forbidden' stuff (voting, blood donor, guilt-free quickie with a FWB... you didn't just read that...) and feeling good about having these freedoms.

    I really don't think my sanity is worth it, in fact it would probably make it worse....

    I'm just throwing all this out there as thoughts and ramble, probably already knowing in my heart of hearts what the right decision is. But thank you for reading and responding.


  • Carmel

    Merfi, I can't really equate to your situation since I left as a teenager and made a lot of new friends quickly, plus there were no other kids my age with which I was close in the cong. So, that being said, I'd bet a blond hottie 37 yrold would not have any trouble finding companionship, friendship, whatever! With all that corn growning around you, why would you want to go to a KH for more? Seems a tad masochistic!

    So there! I can ramble too! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, you sound like a perfectly normal person going through "withdrawls" and for what it's worth, a big cyber hug commin to ya!!


  • Sparkplug
    The ex is still jw, and so the kids sorta are. The ex takes it upon himself to "explain" me and my feelings and actions to members of my former cong, yet he is 2 hours away... He's undermining... something. I just can't quite put my finger on it, but it bugs the crap outta me. I am not ALLOWED to speak for myself as nobody asks ME, but they ask HIM about me. And really, he has no clue about who I am anymore and his emotional/mental abuse has changed me into someone he doesn't know...

    Merfi- I say stick with that gut instinct and know there is a reason you are feeling it.

    I liked Magoos idea. It truly helps to go and make more friends before you try going back. You will always be lonely until you get some others in your life.... anyhow, I understand and have had people I know do this. I have only seen one be a somewhat successful fade.

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