You're Pitiful

by under_believer 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Weird Al recorded a song called "You're Pitiful." It's a parody of James Blunt's "You're Beautiful." Anyways James Blunt gave his permission and everything, but Blunt's label wouldn't allow the song to be distributed, so Al's giving it away for free on his website, at (look about halfway down the page, where it says "HEY" in big letters. Obviously you'll get more mileage out of it if you've heard the James Blunt original.
    My life is brilliant.
    What, was I too early?
    Oh, sorry. Should I... do you want to start over, or...
    Keep going? Okay. Now?
    [continues singing]

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I love Weird Al! Thanks for this. Brought a smile to my face.
    tall penguin

  • Scully

    Weird Al is my hero!! Thanks for sharing!

  • calico

    That was so funny---THANKS!

  • sf

    My life is brilliant

    What, was I too early? Oh, sorry, should I--do you want to start over, or...keep going? Ok. Now? Now?

    My life is brilliant
    Your life's a joke
    You're just pathetic
    You're always broke
    Your homemade Star Trek uniform really ain't impressing me
    You're suffering from delusions of adequacy

    You're pitiful
    You're pitiful
    You're pitiful, it's true
    Never had a date that you couldn't inflate
    And you smell repulsive too
    What a bummer, being you

    Well you just can't dance
    And forget romance
    Everybody you know still calls you 'Fartypants'
    But you always have a job, well I mean
    As long as you still can work that Slurpee machine

    You're pitiful
    You're pitiful
    You're pitiful, it's true
    You're half undressed, eating chips off your chest
    While you're playing Halo 2, no one's classier than you

    La la la la
    La la la la
    La la la la

    You're pitiful
    You're pitiful
    You're pitiful, it's true
    Your dog would much rather play fetch by itself
    You still live with your mom and you're 42
    Guess you'll never grow a clue
    Well, it just sucks to be you

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