My old cong is just messed up....

by merfi 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • merfi

    So you guys get to hear about it. **settling into my squeaky but trusty computer chair**

    There is a girl in the congregation that is pretty on the edge of things. She's not baptized, therefore untouchable. She and I are sort of friends... she texted me last night, so I told her to call. So we talked for about 1.5 hours. I am SOOOO glad I have nothing to do with those people anymore. At least the Storm Lake ones, and I know each cong has it's own little pocket of weirdness, hypocrisy etc. Ok... so... about Txxx (guy who I rebounded with after marriage f'd up). I haven't heard from him since I think it was March. He texted me a sort of "sorry if I hurt you, I never intended to hurt you"... ok, fine. I texted back that I was over it. Then did a follow-up email explaining why I talked to the elders in Feb and why I DA'd. I also had a paragraph in there that tried to encourage him to hang in there with the marriage thing as he had also texted "being married isn't easy" (why the hell he's telling me this? I dunno.) So that was that. So now, according to JW mole friend, Txxx and skank wife haven't been to a meeting for about 6 weeks, and they're pretty busy doing... meth. OMFG

    On the other side of the family, Txxx's sister Kxxxx was in rehab back in Feb for same nasty drug plus a couple others. She supposedly came out ok... She lives in low-income housing, which attracts some weeeird people here (not saying that it's the same everywhere, but here -- definitely). Many sort of not smart, many on legal AND illegal meds. So there's that picture of paradise. Actually, that's the name of the development -- Paradise Park.

    I'm sure K and T's parents are just heartsunk. They're good JW, and good people, really. However, they've always made excuses for their kids' stupid behaviors, enabled a lot of it... etc. I watch them closely to learn what NOT to do. Seriously.

    Have I mentioned that I'm glad I'm out...?

    And on another note, apparently elder Joe dumbass and my ex had a conversation about me in May or so. Joe supposedly feels bad at how it all shook out with me. Michael (ex), speaking for me (I hate this) told Joe that they screwed up when they showed me no mercy, but instead rehashed how bad I was... I went for help and got a beating.

    OH yeah, and another thing (sorry -- you've hopefully refilled by now. lol) My blood donation story DID cause a HUUUUGE stir in the congregation.

    So that is my last 24 hours. I need another beer. All this stuff I was doing great avoiding... now feels like it's hitting me in the face.
    In the meantime, have I mentioned that I'm glad I'm out? ~merfi

  • LovesDubs

    Girl you live in a TUFF hood.

    I think you need to get the Betty Ford mobile rehab to just back right up to the door of that Kingdom Hall and hook up!

  • serendipity

    Hi merfi,

    So much for a spiritual paradise. It sounds more like a soap opera written by Jerry Springer.

    I understand the resentment you feel toward the elders. I too went to the elders as a good little brainwashed sheep thinking they were there to help me. What a joke. I think if I saw any of them today (18 years later), I'd still want to punch him.

  • greendawn

    You did well to stir them up with that blood donation, I am sure they will not be seeing you back ever more, you don't need to be a slve of a devious cultic organisation.

  • jschwehm

    Think about how crazy it sounds for them to say that someone has gone off the deep end by donating something that could save a person's life!!!!!!!!!!

    Why would anyone want to go back to that type of atmosphere????

    Jeff S.

  • Nellie

    I'm not really sure what to say after reading all of that . . .

    But this healing stuff, you're right, it is a process - and sometimes it hits you where it hurts. Breathe in, breathe out, cry, pray and rejoice that you have options.

  • Pistoff

    What is crazy is that they somehow view drug use, especially meth (yikes) and fornication as being in the same class of behavior.
    Protected sex has little long term effect on a person, no matter your view of it; meth use has permanent consquences.

    Hang in there.


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