Answers only the WTBTS could know...

by Gill 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    Question from readers Aug 15th Watchtower:

    After the final test at the end of the Millennium, will it be possible for humans to sin and die?

    All us ordinary folk, know that the Bible gives no opinion on this and you would have to make up an answer for this question and, it being the WTBTS, there's a chance the answer could vary with barometer readings.

    After a lot of Revelations scriptures we get to the nitty gritty:

    'Thus, the death mentioned in the scriptures quoted above is the Adamic death, which will be nullified by Christ's ransom. With death that mankind inherited from the first man caneled, humans will be just like Adam when he was created. Adam was perfect, but that did not mean that there was no possibility of his dying. Jehovah told Adam not to eat from 'the tree of the knowledge of good and bad' and said; 'In the day you eat from it you will positively die.' That was death from deliberate sin. After the final test at the end of the Thousand Year Reign, humans will still be free moral agents. They will still be able to choose of their own free will whether to continue serving Jehovah or not. It cannot be said that no human will ever turn his back on God, as Adam did.

    What would happen to the one hwo chose to rebel after the final test when there is no death or Hades? At that time, Adamic death is no more. And Hades, the common grave of mankind with the hope of resurrectio, is no more. Still, Jehovah can annihilate any rebel in the lake of fire, denying him any hope of a resurrection. That death would be like the death that Adam and Eve experienced, not the death that humans inherited from Adam.

    However, we have no reason to expect any such outcome. Those who pass the final test will differ from Adam in one crucial sense. They will have been fully tested. We can be confident of the thoroughness of the final test because Jehovah knows how to examine people inside and out. We can rest assured that the final test will eliminate any who would misuse their freedom of choice. Thus, although it is possible for those who pass the final test to rebel against God and hence be destropyed, it is very unlikely that such a thing will occur.'

    Just one small question from me. How do we know that Adam was 'perfect'? Since he made the 'wrong decision' doesn't that show he wasn't perfect?

    Only the WTBTS could 'know' the answers! If they didn't, they'd still manage to make them up.

  • under_believer

    If God-given freedom of choice is essentially a choice to obey every single little detail that God passes out, or die instantly, it's no choice at all.
    Furthermore, if an individual would never "misuse" their "freedom of choice," for all practical purposes they are automatons.

  • Gill

    UB - I suppose that's the reason that so many of us make the decision that we do to leave JW land. We know that any dessention or disagreement with anything the FDS slave say is punishable by 'death' ie shunning and we have a 'taster' of that New System. We decide we would rather die than live in a world with no free will and a despotic God.

    I remember my parents reaction when I told them that. I said I'd rather die on the spot than ever set foot in another KH again. They were aghast and my mother told me that I had made myself a friend of Satan. They just cannot understand. They have already surrendered their free will.

  • anewme

    Reasoning on the scriptures! Bah!

  • greendawn

    We do not know if there will be a paradise as the FDS describe it but they will certainly not be around to control anything. Far from enjoying a glorious sttaus they will be roasting in the lake of fire and sulphur for emotionally abusing their followers and for being impostors against God and man, claiming that God sent them to the world to carry out a life saving mission whereas He never did such a thing. Their credentials are fake.

    Even worse by their words and actions they grossly misrepresented the nature and mode of action of God. They are angels of Satan transformed to angels of light in order to act as undercover agents and sabotage the reconciliation between God and man.

  • Gill

    Greedaywn - False credentials of the FDS! Absolutely. Seems to me, what they don't know, they make up. In the end, if you don't agree with what they've made up - you're out!! Just nonsense. They don't understand that if you have to see things one way, and one way ONLY, that is NOT free choice.

  • Honesty
    We do not know if there will be a paradise as the FDS describe it but they will certainly not be around to control anything. Far from enjoying a glorious sttaus they will be roasting in the lake of fire and sulphur for emotionally abusing their followers and for being impostors against God and man, claiming that God sent them to the world to carry out a life saving mission whereas He never did such a thing. Their credentials are fake. greendawn


  • BizzyBee

    Those who pass the final test will differ from Adam in one crucial sense. They will have been fully tested. Is this like being pre-shrunk?

    We can be confident of the thoroughness of the final test because Jehovah knows how to examine people inside and out. That Jeehoober! Not much gets past His eagle eye!

    We can rest assured that the final test will eliminate any who would misuse their freedom of choice. Is that in the Bible? I'm not feeling very restfully assured.

    Thus, although it is possible for those who pass the final test to rebel against God and hence be destroyed, it is very unlikely that such a thing will occur.' Wait a minute! What happened to my resting assured? What happened to the thoroughness of the final test? Wha' happened to Jehoover's examination of people's insides and outsides?

    It is now so clear how easily JWs can become 'hypnotized' into abdicating the exercise of any rational thought after a lifetime of this kind of BS.

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