Another reason not to answer the door for the JWs! Ackkkkkkkkkkk

by betweenworlds 9 Replies latest social current

  • betweenworlds
  • Confession

    What a scary freakball...

  • betweenworlds

    Yupper, he sure is! I'm sure he's probably not a witness, but makes you think twice of letting anybody inside your house. Yikes.

  • Confession
    I'm sure he's probably not a witness

    Yeah, you're right. If he were a Witness he'd probably just be trying to "lure" teenage boys with naked pictures of himself.

  • Stealth453

    I guess the coffee shop was closed...

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Does this go against the whole Blood Issue? someone better report this crazy guy to his elders so they can have a 3 hour meeting about it and encourage him. And then keep the whole thing a secret as to not bring shame to the witnesses

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    WAIT, WAIT unless he spit out the blood and just chewed the meat, well then its ok

  • In Between
    In Between

    "Do you want some girl scout cookies?"

    Wednesday (Adams Family) "Are they made with real girl scouts?"

    LOL ...

  • carla

    Do jw's ever think that people do not want to answer their doors due to nut jobs like that guy? Of course most people I know don't want to answer in case it is jw's knocking! If the religious freaks, book sales, and/or political folks miss my many signs (and they do) I have taught my kids to not answer the door. If it's winter and the door is closed but they can see me I just ignore them and let the dog go crazy at the door. Ignore them and they will go away. In summer if they miss the sign I simply point and they are on their way.

    Strange, I remember a number of years ago my husband was upset because I let a door knocker into our porch and he claimed the guy could be a weirdo or something. Now? He's the weirdo knocking on ladies doors.

  • SirNose586

    Now, why would a cannibal want to chew on old folks?
    I guess they don't put up as much of a fight as others....

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