How my Swedish cousins feel

by TR 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    My cousins in Sweden:

    Dear Hane Cousins,
    Today will be remembered as a day of infamy for not only the US but for the world. For the US cousins I will relay the following message from Ingrid and Finn which I'm sure speaks for the family on the other side of the ocean.

    Dear relatives,
    We are shocked of the events to-day and are thinking on all the victims !
    The world is no more the same - and that goes also for us on this side of
    the Atlantic.The attacks are directed against all of us
    Ingrid and Finn

    My cousin Jay in Wisconsin:

    I am not sure how this tragic act affects the Hane family. My new daughter -in-law Wendy has a brother that works in the Pentagon. He escaped injury. Cousin Ingela lives just across the Hudson River from Manhattan Island. Maybe she will send us a report on her impression of the event.
    My greatest hope is that if our country does respond to this terrible act, that the response is careful and measured. If not, than we are no better than the crazed people who did these frightful deeds against the innocent .
    We sadly pray for the families of the victims and the whole world.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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