Does anybody know..if I disassociate myself, how will I be announced??

by Lady Liberty 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hello everyone,

    My husband and I have been out for well over a year now. But we have not been DFD (because we have not done anything wrong) we just stopped attending. Our question is..if we go ahead and disassociate ourself, will they say at the meeting.."so and so has disassociated themselves", or rather will they say, "so and so is no longer a Jehovahs Witness"? Does anyone know? I know the result is the same, but I am just curious how they would make the announcement.


    Lady Liberty

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    The last I heard, they are supposed to announce it

    So and so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • inbyathread

    Yes they will announce "So and So is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    However -

    During the local needs talk shortly thereafter the theme could be based on staying away of APOSTATES or the hazards of IMMORALITY any number of ideas can be placed in the minds of the congregation members. You'll never know what they said about you but the rumors and subtle talking will be there for a long time.

  • Cordelia

    but if you do dissassociate yourselves you will be shunned, is that really what you want? would it not be easier to just leave it as it is, tho if you dont have anyone close in the religon i would say go for it, surely the more people leaving the more others will wonder why!!

  • blondie

    Of course, if you don't disassociate yourself, there is no guarantee you won't be shunned, unofficially.

    Do you want to be there when they make the announcement? Some have gone and visited with all the ones they care about one last time without being under official sanction...or dressed to make a statement.

    Do you plan on sending a letter to others in the congregation why you made your decision.

    When my day comes, I plan on buying as much space in the local newspaper with my explanation.


  • Poztate
    When my day comes, I plan on buying as much space in the local newspaper with my explanation.


    Blondie...I thought of the same thing. Nothing better than a FULL PAGE AD explaining the situation. I live in a small town. They would be buzzing with the news.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Blondie "When my day comes, I plan on buying as much space in the local newspaper with my explanation." That would be SOOOooo cool. I want to know when you do that... BTW: Blondie I always enjoy your posts...

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Blondie "When my day comes, I plan on buying as much space in the local newspaper with my explanation." That would be SOOOooo cool. I want to know when you do that... BTW: Blondie I always enjoy your posts...

  • LuciousJ

    Hi Lady L- You know my story. I'm torn with my decision. I'm glad to be 'free' and 'clear' of the harrassment......but I have been shunned terribly by many (including my family) and that makes it hard. Hang in'll know what to do when your tells you what's right!



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