End of religion

by roybatty 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    I find it ironic how many posts contain comments from JWs about the recent tragedy and how this will soon lead to the government’s attack on religion. Um…I don’t know if anyone else noticed it but the exact opposite happened. President Bush quotes Psalms 23 in his address to the nation, the members of congress sing “God Bless America” and churches across the nation are being used as centers to help out with this disaster. Churches here in Chicago are being filled with people who just want to say a prayer for the victims and their families and receive some encouragement. I wonder how many Kingdom Halls are being used for the same purpose? I wonder how many public prayers at the Kingdom Halls included the victims of this crime and their families? I wonder how many JWs only prayed for those working at Bethel?

  • joelbear

    My personal beliefs are

    1) spirituality is an innate and natural part of humans that is formulated by the need of the individual to be part of a larger whole.

    2) organized religion is the most popular format for meeting this human need.


    Governments will become extinct before religions do.


  • SixofNine

    Yeah, I can't help but notice that. Oh well, they have a square hole, and a big (book) mallet, whatever happens is going to get beat viciously into that square hole.

    I have to admit, the first thing I thought when I heard that two planes had flown into the twin towers was "F**K RELIGION!!!! Seriously, I thought that even a second before I thought "s**t, my daughter is in NY!"

  • Amazing

    Hi Roybatty: Good points. I also live in the Chicago area in the NW suburbs. If you wish to talk sometime, email me at Amazing75@hotmail .com. Thanks. - Amazing

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