Diabetic JW "eats destructively" DATELINE INTEREST?

by DannyHaszard 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • DannyHaszard
    Faith & Healing (msnbc article)
    Standard-Speaker, PA - 2 hours ago
    ... One of her patients, a Jehovah’s Witness who has diabetes and hypertension, believes her illness is in God’s hands and she sometimes eats destructively ... ...... Other experts worry, however, that faith can sometimes interfere with a patient’s journey through illness. Dr. Suki Tepperberg, a family physician in Dorchester, Mass., has concerns about those who put too much faith in God’s will. One of her patients, a Jehovah’s Witness who has diabetes and hypertension, believes her illness is in God’s hands and she sometimes eats destructively, harming her health. Tepperberg is worried that, while this woman could take better care of herself, “she believes God really is the ultimate decision-maker.” In her review of the literature, Powell found several studies suggesting that praying with a sick person can sometimes impede recovery; one study concluded that the risk of a bad health outcome doubled, perhaps because patients believed God would protect them or that their illness was some kind of divine punishment.....

    BLOCKBUSTER The Jehovah's Witnesses have goaded millions of followers into neglecting their health care,believing in the Watchtower's bogus apocalyptic promises that the 'paradise' is coming 'any day'. This includes all my elderly family members as i am a 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness.Please investigate the deadly Watchtower cult as they are 'wolves in sheep's clothing' or 'Charlie Manson without the look'. Danny's 2001 interview with the Maine Times: Q: When I was working as a visiting nurse, I took care of a guy with uncontrolled diabetes, and it was killing him. He was a Jehovah's Witness, and he told me it didn't really matter whether he controlled his disease because his religion taught him that everything's just temporary anyway. I never saw anybody living in such complete poverty, he couldn't afford the food or medicine he needed, and he refused to accept any kind of assistance. But he had this stack of new books he had bought from the church. He was a man without education or sophistication. CONTACTS [email protected] (put To the health editor in subject line [email protected] MSNBC investigates [email protected] DATELINE [email protected] Newsweek [email protected] Letters to newsweek ---------- Further reading below-Danny Haszard personal experiences growing up with neglected health care Governing Body as evil rulers causing death original JWD thread "Staying Alive Until 1975" My Story of Growing Up JW with Severe Ulcerative Colitis Witness of the Watchtower Holocaust

  • purplesofa

    I was thinking how many people have refused to get the mental health needed fearing it is a lack of faith.......just overcoming a weakness. The last CO's visit in our area........the local needs talk was about depression......and saying things like .......just go to the meetings, or get over it, etc etc, were not the way to handle it. That it was an illness that needed professional help.

    This is what bothers me ..........all the people that suffered till the new light came out.

    I think I mentioned in another thread........the saying make it a matter of prayer is not a solution to problems. Or putting it in the hands of Jehovah. The emphasis is a matter of action to preach, heal spiritually , but taking care of ones own physical self is often a matter of prayer in many situations.


  • Fe2O3Girl

    Adopt self destructive behaviour and the damage you inflict on yourself will be sorted out in the New System (TM) is not a WT doctrine. Some JWs look after their health, some don't. Some normal people look after their health, some don't. I think that it would be more accurate to say that some JWs who have unhealthy lifestyles, and would have regardless of their religion, use the "New System" as an excuse for not modifying their behaviour.

    My grandparents were Salvation Army, and ate themsleves to death. Was it because they were Salvationists?

  • purplesofa
    This is what bothers me ..........all the people that suffered till the new light came out

    This comment I made bothered me..........

    We are so micro managed.........and come to rely soley on the information we get from the FDS, that until they tell us it is OK, or accepted to do something ....or just made aware, SOME will not.

    exerpt from COC book-----------------this thought came to mind.

    and page 274 last paragraph

    Similarly, I did not object to "organization" in the sense of an orderly arrangement, for I understood the Christian congregation itself to involve such an orderly arrangement. But I believed that, whateever the arrangement, its purpose and function, its very existance was only as an aid for the brothers; it was there to service interests, not the other way around. Whatever the arrangement, it was to build men and women up so that they would not be spiritual babes, dependent on men or on an institutionalized system , but able to act as full-grown, mature Christians. I was not to train them to be simply conformists to a set of organizational rules and regulations, but to thlep the to become persons "having their perceptive powers trained to distinguish right and wrong."


  • DannyHaszard
    My grandparents were Salvation Army, and ate themselves to death; Was it because they were Salvationists?

    Go back and read my post again please and the links too.No comparison between the apocalyptic Watchtower imminent end of the world coming so-you-don't-need-to-live-for-this-system and the 'other' religions.

    The mass murderous death and destruction caused by the Watchtower's spiritual advice is nothing like the 'other' religions.

    click here for just one example crooked cult crooked teeth

  • DannyHaszard

    Year 2006 another 'surefire to backfire' yes, another generation taken in by bogus & blasphemous Watchtower charlatans

  • DannyHaszard

    "...And then they died.." masterpiece by Gary Buss

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