So far so good with the visiting JW in- laws

by troubled mind 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    They brought my hubby's neice with, she is not a witness, and during her college break will be living with them.That of course means she has to agree to Bible study and meetings. Well I had a great time warning her about what she has to look forward to this summer. She is already fairly well informed as her mother hates JW's and what it did to their family. Her mom has always let her children chose religion for themselves. We had a few interesting conversations about why I'm no longer attending , and about how they treat members that make this decision. I told her to beware of the mind control techniques they use , and how the love shown is conditional not the same love Christ taught. I mentioned the blood issue too. I did this a little at a time hopefully enoigh for her to think about, I hope. In laws have been cordial , and not prying into our lives as I had feared .

  • serendipity
    In laws have been cordial , and not prying into our lives as I had feared

    That's encouraging troubled mind. Let's hope they continue for the duration of the visit!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    This is good to know. As long as they don't start asking questions, you're good.

    I think it really depends on the people. Some feel like they have a duty or responsibility to rat out anyone and everyone who shows insubordination to the leader and they actively seek these ones out.

    Others don't want to be put into that position for various reasons.

    Hoping it stays good.


  • parakeet

    ***They brought my hubby's neice with, she is not a witness, and during her college break will be living with them.***
    I don't get this--why would this girl's mother let her live with JWs, even for a short time? What if she had an accident and needed a blood transfusion? Is her mother willing to let that decision up to the JW in-laws? That's scary. When my young son went on weekend visits to my JW parents, I made sure I was next to a phone at all times.

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