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by mouthy 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    Giving my testimony at a Catholic Church,. There were about 30 young women on a retreat ( 3 days) I asked how many had calls from JW ALL OF THEM.... I spoke for an hour ( no problem for me LOL) but the questions they asked after were absoulutly great... One you woman ( 18-19) told me she comes from a broken home- & she was brought up by a JW aunt... She had to read the Paradise book with her aunt every night.. She loved it as a kid, !!!! then she started to THINK as she grew older, ( I dont know how come so many break the forbidden thing in the Watchtower TO THINK!!!!!!!>I was to stupid to do that LOL
    I sat through the first teaching of which Bibles are good, Which scriptures change some of the words ( New World translation was there)
    So many of them were being captured in their schools. I was so surprised at the response I got they ALL thnked me. Of course they had a good laugh at my "bird who preached also"
    Just thought you would like to know what this old gal was doing on Canada DAY!!!!!

  • candidlynuts

    sounds like a nice way to spend a saturday afternoon.

    glad you got a good response!

  • vitty

    I heard you on a radio programme once and thought you where very good. Im glad evertything went well

  • mouthy

    Yes isnt it awful my whole life is wrapped up in exposing JWS----- My Daughter ( gus gus) says I should pack it up & go on a cruise ..... But going alone anywhere isnt that much fun...LOL
    That is why I answered the way I did on the other post "Would you marry again)"HA!HA!

  • Robdar

    Good job, Grace.

    Looks like your TMS instructions in public speaking came in handy.

    Love you.


  • gusgus1

    Congratulations Mum, proud of you....

    Hey Robdar, my Mum didn't need any TMS, she's always been a good speaker......

  • HappyDad

    Good for you Mouthy.

    This was a good thing to do on Canada Day.

    Me.....I was talking to Canadians off and on all day on my Ham radio. They had a special contest to commemorate the day.

    Hooray for Canada and all the nice people there.

    But a special hooray for Mouthy........one of the nices Canadians ever. What you did today was awsome. If what you said to that group stops just one gullible person from falling into the "trap" of the borg.........you accomplishe a great deed.

    Love you lady,


  • LittleToe

    Well done, Grace. Mouthy by name, mouthy by nature. Longest testimony and question time I ever gave was for two hours to a youth group in Glasgow, but I'm guessing you've got that record beat

  • mouthy

    No LT!!! You still have the record the longest I spoke was an hour & 10 min.... Now ask Gadget. In my home you dont get a word in edgeways....

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