In honor of my Grandmother

by alamb 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • alamb

    In honor of her, I am donating blood on her birthday every year. The sick policies of a publishing company are robbing us of extraordinary relationships. She was a strong, wonderful woman who taught me to love and be loved.

    Photos: #1 My children and I now. #2 My great-grandmother, my grandmother and I.

  • unclebruce

    Good on you alamb,

    After all the lipservice the WTBTS give to honouring ones parents, it's ironic that you can only really do it after leaving the cult behind. In a healthy family respecting your parents & grandparents afords two way protection along with many other benifits and comes instinctively.

    cheers to good family relationships

  • mouthy

    Thanks for sharing love.... Yes IN THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE!!!! glad your sharing some of yours (((HUG)

  • greendawn

    She must have been a marvellous grand mother for you to remember her intensely so many years later. Unfortunately cults invariable have one or other strange belief that can seriously harm their members physically or psychologically.

  • alamb

    She never died to me. Funny, she is still with me and my JW family have all disappeared by their own wishing. She lives on through my children.

  • inbyathread

    Good for you. Thanks for reminding me. I've got to call and give another pint.

  • LovesDubs

    That was a really sweet tribute! All error is erased when you die. She was doing what she thought was right in Gods eyes...we all fell for the rhetoric. I told my husband if he ever EVER harmed one of my kids by not allowing them blood if they needed it. I would hunt him down like a dog and kill him.


  • Fleur

    She never died to me. Funny, she is still with me and my JW family have all disappeared by their own wishing. She lives on through my children.

    I know just what you mean, ((((((((((((Alamb))))))))))...good for you donating like the kids are all so beautiful!!!!!



  • alamb

    Thank you. These are the two little ones. (not to go off topic...just braggin')

  • mouthy

    What beautiful children ...Thanks for posting them That "aint" BRAGGING-- it is showing us what a good job you did by having them....They sure are sweeties...

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