Hello again everybody! Thought I'd come and see ya again!

by Mr Ben 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Hope yer all doin' well!

    It's been ages since I wuz around here! Just to give you a brief update for those who remember me, things have turned around, all for the better,had reconciliation with wife, back together, & wife & daughter safely out of the Borg. Managed to finally sell my business, and we are off to South America as I can't take any more special English sunshine. (You know, the wet type!) Phew!

    So, I'm feelin' fairly chirpy, wanted to say hello, and thought I'd share a little giggle with you. I've lurked and read a few posts, and some of you sure need a pick-me-up.

    This is lifted from the Borg's own website. I sh** you not! (Ok, ok, I added a few innocent comments...)

    And do feel free to add you own version!!


    Hostility to God's Name? Many Afrikaners today are unaware of God's name. Church members who do know it shy away from using it.

    That’s why we identify ourselves as Bible Students.


    'Your Will Be Done on Earth'—When?

    What did Jesus mean when he taught us to pray: 'Let your will be done'?

    The Bible is written to the anointed ones, especially the spirit appointed Governing Body. This is therefore a clear acknowledgement by Jesús to ‘Let our will be done.’


    Who Is God?

    Is God an impersonal force or a real person? Does he have a name?

    His name is The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Inc. And He certainly is an impersonal farce.


    Will All Men Ever Be Equal?

    Why is it so difficult to turn the idea of human equality into a reality?

    Yes, all members of the Governing Body are equal. Below them, all D.O.’s are equal, then C.O.’s and so on. The main difficulty lies in the fact that our reality is not connected with the planet earth. Females... just forget it.


    "Can I Worship God in My Own Way?"

    Can tailoring religion to meet personal preferences really satisfy your spiritual needs?

    Yes. In fact, you must worship God in my own way.


    When No One Will Be Poor

    Is it possible to eliminate poverty? How long will the poor have to wait?

    Yes. Firstly, you must build a valuable property, free of labour costs, of course. Then, you pay for it. Then, all the deeds to these valuable assets are held in our name. You may also send what little else you may have to further this good work. We have completely eliminated our poverty.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Whoops! Can someone change the topic to "Friends" - kinda forgot how!

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