A little bit more about myself....

by truth.ceeker 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • truth.ceeker

    If any are so inclined to read a little bit more about me I would appreciate it. What I would like to know is if anyone has gone through a similar situation and how they dealt with it or are dealing with it.
    It seems to me that the more people I talk to and learn about, it opens my eyes to different ways of looking at something and sometimes a light bulb goes off in my brain and says, wow!, I never thought if it that way before but it could be really effective for me.
    Oh, I guess I could give you the link, http://religiousobservations.blogspot.com/. TIA!


  • cyberguy

    WELCOME truth.ceeker! I read your story and I only wish my family would be more diligent in seeing what the WT really is! Thanks for sharing!

  • smellsgood

    Hi there truth.ceeker!

    well done.

    you said:
    "I find more instances of a man centered organization that is replacing Jesus as the mediator between GOD and men."

    YES! They put themselves squarely in Jesus' place.

    Do you know much about the WWCOG, at least, their history??

    "So many wordings have been changed to slowly train the minds of the congregation that the organization is the mouthpiece of GOD and Jesus is a sidekick."

    It seems though he is 'ruling invisibly' the only good he is for the WT most times is a figure of authority used to their own ends.

    " My children are at the mercy of these so called righteous men who have the authority to shut us out of the congregation if we do not follow every letter of the rules they put forth."

    oooooh, power. control. command. mix it with idiocy and totalitarian subjugation, and watch the milk turn quickly sour.


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