I realized this after observing them swing from one food diet to another, in spite of much evidence these diets, like Adkins, are very harmful.
Funny that you should connect this with believing everything. I never made the connection, myself, but my family has done this my entire life. From Mix-i-go (a fuel additive) to TSI (Total Success Incorporated) and their magical panacea "Aloe Vera Jelly, to coloidal silver, to herbs of every function, to diets spanning the gamut from wheat germ diets to gluten-free and everything in between...the next thing we try will work! For...whatever it is...that the next thing is supposed to do...
I got off that merry-go-round at 21 and endured much tut-tutting over the following decade about ignoring the latest fad wonder fix for what ails you. Because, after all, everyone knows that the body is energy and magnetic fields at ultra-low gauss helps the body come back into balance. And guess what? They can tune a radio frequency that will heal you long distance.
Ugh! But I think you put your finger right on it, there, mavie. I need to come to grips with the fact that my family hasn't cared about logic for a really long time.