Soccer (Football) Websites

by XJW4EVR 5 Replies latest social physical


    Could some of you fine folks post links to websites were I can get the latest results for when league play starts up again?

    Your help is appreciated.

    XJW4EVR, of the learning to like soccer...err, football, class

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    For the British leagues, a good place to start is here. The World Cup results are there at the moment:

    (You might be able to listen to live games there sometimes too)


    I just signed up for Fox Soccer Channel, which I presume will televise Premiership games. But I also want to follow Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, Brazil & Argentina. Any good English links for those leagues?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Looks like you can get all the world's league results on the BBC link as well (i only ever look as far as the English league!). Check out the menu down the left side of the link.

    Rights to Premiership games - if you're talking about the English one - as far as I know are owned exclusively by Sky tv.

    Rights to Premiership games - if you're talking about the English one - as far as I know are owned exclusively by Sky tv.

    Isn't Sky TV is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox, here in the States?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Isn't Sky TV is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox, here in the States?

    Yes! But I didn't know he owns Fox as well

    Gee, that guy owns the entire media and sporting world

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