Opinions on how this tragedy will affect us all

by Ranchette 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ranchette

    I am just as shocked as every one else because of todays events.
    I am sorry about all the loss of life and injuries.Also my heart goes out to the friends and families of those lost.

    I'm looking at how this will affect us all.
    What are your oppinions on what this will do to the economy?
    What other far reaching effects may this have? Any thoughts?

  • radar


    America will not realise the extent of this attack for a number of months.But it will never be the same.

    I just saw a woman cry in new York,I could not hold back the tears either.
    Such is life eh.


  • conflicted

    I don't know how this will effect the financial world, but I think the worlds governments have been shaken.

    First there will be concerted efforts to pick up the pieces, people and groups and organizationas comming together to help.

    Then the FBI and CIA will investigate to see who is at fault. I the meantime someone may come forward to accept the blame.

    I don't know how the government is going to handle it, but I think it will come down to who's at fault - governments or countries will be handled differently than a religious or fundamentalist group.

    It's going to depend upon what we find in the days and weeks to come.

    Hopefully this is it, and no more attacks occur. It seems now that this was a highly orchestrated and well planned attack, not some guy in his back yard.

  • Ranchette

    I hate to say it but I think your right.
    This is such a shocking event that most of us are focused on the imediate tragedy.
    This is going to have far reaching effects.
    We Americans have lived with such a false sense of security,me included.

  • TR

    Bin Laden is suspected to have been behind these attacks. It wouldn't suprise me.

    Islamic fundie terrorists are a pretty violent bunch. Christian fundies pale in comparison.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Stephanus

    At least you've got a Bush in the Whitehouse now, TR - Clinton's response to Bin Laden's terrorism was to bomb a pharmacueticals factory in a poverty stricken part of Africa so as to divert attention from his philanderings! Hopefully wherever Bin Laden is will hand him over without a struggle...

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