Athiests with a Social Conscience?

by ChuckD 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChuckD

    Something said on another thread got me thinking about the assumption that many people have that religion is somehow a prerequsite for charity. I think that it is quite the opposite. For example, rather than believe that God told me to help out my fellow man, I feel that there is no God, and therefore it is everyone's responsibility as a person to do charitable deeds, since God isn't going to set anything right himself. I am certainly much more active now than I ever was as a witness, where my "good deeds" consisted of telling people that everything they knew was wrong, and that God was going to kill them.

    What are your views on charity and its connection to religion?

  • Amazing

    Hi Chuck: You remind me of a JW I once knew named Chuck. It would be most fascinating if you were he.

    As far as Atheists and Agnostics being ethical and charitable, I think that any human is going to act human regardless of their personal beliefs about God. There are Christians, Jews, Muslims, and a host of others, including atheists who have raped, murdered, robbed banks, etc.

    Likewise there are Christians, Jews, Mulsims, atheists, Agnostics and a host of others who have done great works of kindness, goodness, charity, leading people to greater political freedom, etc.

    As a Christian I have never assumed that a non-Christian or Atheist would do bad things because of not sharing my beliefs. No, not at all. Rather, as Christians, we are not supposed to judge what others do or don't do, but instead focus on what we should be doing in following Jesus Christ.

    Christianity is not an exclusive club that does good. Christian organizations are not from God, but are a human convenience that can serve good or bad. Being a Christian does not set one up as any better than those not Christian. Rather, being a Christian is about believeing in and following Jesus Christ.

    Atheists and Agnostics are not excluded from good. I find most Atheists and Agnostics to be honest and modest in their views. I find them to be good people who do good things, and unless they tell your their religious or non-religious views, you would never know what they are.

    Most Atheists and Agnostics I have met do see an important responsibility to make this earth and our nation a better place, and will do what they can to contribute to its positive development. Afterall, if there is no God, then it is solely up to humanity to take care of itself.

    The reason I suggest 'honesty' as a characteristic of Atheists and Agnostics, is that they are open and honest enough to admit that they either don't believe in God, or are just not sure. Their lack of belief in God does not mean that they are necessarily against the idea of God, but rather the evidence suggest to them that either God does not exist, or God does not want to be proved if he exist. They often feel that if God does exist as the character identified in the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible, then he is not a nice God, and if he is the God identified in the Christian Bible, then he is a contradiction in logic, feelings, and treatment of humanity that he calls his children. - Amazing

    - Amazing

  • bboyneko

    I give daily to the worthwhile charity of me. Just this morning I selflessly purchased a snickers bar and gave it, without any expectations of repayment or thanks, to myself. It was quite yummy.


  • Julie


    Fabulous post.


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