Father's Day Today

by Undecided 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    My daughters are the sweetest girls alive.

    They came over for father,s day and were so loving and careing. I sure am fortunate to have them as my children. I'm so happy that they came over for dinner. My son is over too. It's so good to be loved.

    Ken P.

  • confusedjw

    Good for you Ken. That is awesome. And I wish every father could feel and have a day like you did today.

  • juni

    That's wonderful Ken!! So happy to hear you had a nice day in your honor.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I got two cards. One from my wife and one from my kids. The card from my kids had a button that I've been wearing all day. It says "My kids love me!" I also got a new beer mug that says "Dad" on the side. It's chilling in the freezer as I type!

  • Bookey

    Kind of makes ya wish every day was father's day. Which brings up another point, why don't the JW's like father's day? I never did get an answer on that one. You would think if the world sets apart one day or more for a kind act like going to see dad, that it would be a Christian sort of thing right? But Jahoveh doesn't like any love for parents apparently...

  • serendipity

    JWs are puritanical - celebrations are from the devil.

  • Synergy

    I prayed for my father today that he'll find the truth about Jesus and we can have a relationship one day. And I thanked God for Him being my father.

  • ferret

    I have 5 daughters and two step daughters. the 5 are all dubs and never heard from them.

    The 2 step daughters had a barbecue in my honor and gave me gifts. The oldest one who we raised since she was 13 put together a book for me, reminding me of all the help I gave her while growing up and even as an adult. She is like a true daughter to me, it was very touching to read the things she remembered from years ago. My step children treat me better than my own and I love them for it.

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