I posted this in response to another thread. I was sufficiently pleased with the comparison, and I am narcissistic to a sufficient degree that I felt it would be good to post it as an original topic.
Disfellowshipping is classic Orwellian doublethink. No single publication--not Crisis of Conscience, not Hassan's brainwashing works, nothing has been so instructive for me in recognizing what is wrong with the Society as 1984. In this case, we are dealing with doublethink, which is when two contradictory concepts are both held to be equally true. The person who supports the disfellowshipping arrangement, in its classic Witness sense, believes the contradictory concepts that
- One should completely reject a person who is guilty of sin, treating them as though they are dead and as though they no longer exist.
- Treating a person in this manner is an expression of deep love, one of the most profoundly loving things that can be done.
- The New Testament says that God is love.
- The Old Testament says that God destroyed an entire city, including babies, women, children, and the elderly, because there were some homosexuals there. Nor will these be resurrected.
- Therefore, destroying an entire city, including babies, women, children, and the elderly, must be an act of love.