? about friendship and competition in the WTS

by whyizit 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyizit

    My husband went to a "talk" given by a special visiting speaker last Sun. We are not JWs, nor have we ever been. A friend invited us, so my husband went as a courtesy to him.

    They had some kind of talk about choosing friends, etc.... Basically, they don't want you to get too close to anyone who is not a JW or showing promise of becoming one. We are Christian, Bible-believing, non-denominational. Always treat our JW friends with respect and never put down their beliefs. We live a clean life. Nothing like what the WTS portrays "others" to be like.

    We do read the Bible a lot. I remember a few instances of the Pharisees giving Jesus a hard time because of the friends he hung out with. They were even critical of people because of hand-washing practices!

    I cannot remember one instance of Jesus shunning anyone. I cannot find reason to turn my back on my JW friends within the pages of the Bible, so where do they find reason to do so to me? As long as I am not trying to cause them to fall into sin, why are they being taught to hate people in other religions, such as me? Where is all that "love" at? If I only show love toward those that I think I can get something from, is that really Christian love? Seems like just a good 'ol sales tactic to me. If you aren't going to get me points with my organization, then what good are you? That seems more like a Pharisee than a Christian.

    My second question is about competition. A JW lady that I know was strongly advising me about organized sports. The violence and competition is bad for kids, etc.... We only have one child and we live out in the country. Sports are a way for him to meet other kids and learn what it is to be part of a team. Something that he will have to do in life anyway. Even if he were a JW, he would have to learn how to work with others! They appear to have a "team" system.

    I recall one of the JWsbragging to me about all the hours he puts in witnessing. He is some kind of "grand poo-bah" of the congregation, because of the hours he accumulates. I don't know all the ranks on that, but I gathered that if you don't put in enough hours, your name goes to the back of a file box or something. Then maybe you won't get resurrected. But, if you put in a bunch of hours, get a bunch of "study people", etc...you get a special title and climb the success ladder. Isn't that competition? And where does it say in the Bible that you are suppose to keep track of your time witnessing, and that it has any bearing at all on whether you will be resurrected?

    It just puts me in mind of selling candy for the school, and if you sell enough, you get this $2 basketball! (Oooh, Ahhh!) Never fails, you knock yourself out trying, and the kid whose parents took the candy to work and sold it for him gets the prize. It seems unfair to reward those who have more time and less responsibilities. This guy lives off of Social Security, Disability, and a military pension (so much for not having anything to do with the Govt.). His wife works full time. No kids at home to take care of. So he has all the time in the world to go door-to-door. I also see that he doesn't really show love toward anyone. They are all a business prospect. Nothing more. He's a real company man, I guess you would say.

    Am I thinking too cynically? Maybe I just don't get it. I don't see any love in the whole deal, that is for sure. What are your thoughts?

  • under_believer

    Excellent analysis and very perceptive for one who is not and never has been a JW. In the JW worldview, God's blessing is applied exactly to the degree that you are active as a JW (and that is an almost direct quote from a Watchtower study from a couple of weeks back.)

  • garybuss

    I think you got it nailed.
    "You have seen the benefit of godly love, but do you know how to hate? These very strong words are an expression of godly hate, and you too must have this quality to be pleasing to God. Hate causes a feeling of disgust to well up inside you. You loathe, abhor, despise the object of your hatred. Godly hatred never has as its object our Christian brothers, no matter how imperfect" (The Watchtower; July 15, 1974 p.442)

  • Honesty

    You are smarter than I was. It took you only one meeting to figure this cult out.


  • parakeet

    You have just provided an excellent summary of JW doctrine. It's all about who's the best at pleasing the WTS (book sales, converts) with precious little latitude given for age, illness, or doubts.

  • Poztate
    Am I thinking too cynically? Maybe I just don't get it. I don't see any love in the whole deal, that is for sure. What are your thoughts?

    You have the whole thing nailed down.It's too bad you JW "friends" can't and wont see the same thing.

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