The 1,000 Year Reign of Christians--Not of The Christ

by Inkie 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Inkie

    I believe the below text is what SJ was attempting to share with you all.


    It is really not so very hard to understand the chronology of events spoken about here; it's just that the propaganda of religion, used to mislead, if possible, even the chosen one . . . can make it all seem confusing. If you will bear with me, I will explain. Please, do not ready anything into my "tone," however, other than a desire to help set matters straight. For those who need it, I will include scriptures and verses in support, although please be advised that these are merely a sample - there are a plethora of others that could be used as well. Now, then:

    Who takes part in 1,000 year reign? Those who rule with Christ. (Revelation 19.4, 6)

    Who are those who rule with Christ? Those who take part in the first resurrection. (Revelation 19:6)

    Who take part in the first resurrection? 144,000 from among the sons of Isarel AND a great crowd which no man is able to number. (Revelation 7:4, 9, 14, 15; Revelation 5:9, 10; Romans 11:25, 26)

    Who are the 144,000? They are those who are "sealed" from among Israel, in order to fulfill the promises God made to Abraham and David (Genesis 22:18; 2 Samuel 7:12-16; Isa. 9:7).

    Who is the "great crowd"? They are people from every nation, tribe and tongue, including, but not limited to Israel, who, along with the 144,000, make up "spiritual" Israel. These replace those of "natural" Israel, formerly the chosen nation, who rejected the King God chose and appointed over them, Christ. (Acts 13:45, 46; Romans 11:17-24; Matt. 23:37-39)

    When is the first resurrection? When the Christ returns in full.

    What does "return in full" mean? It means that although he is present now, and with us (Matthew 28:20b), he is invisible now. Like the Father (Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 11:27; John 1:18; 1 Timohty 1:17). That is because, like the Father, he is a spirit. (John 4:24; 2 Cor. 3:17 -- If you're using NWT, please see footnote and App. 1D) But at some point, he will return and every eye will see him (Rev. 1:7). For now, it is only those with eyes of "faith" who can see him. (2 Cor. 5:7)

    When does Christ return "in full"? Immediately after the "great tribulation." (Matt. 24:29-31) His arrival is heralded by an angel of the Ark [of the Covenant], Michael, whose voice sounds like a trumpet (Rev. 1:9; 4:1; 1 Thess. 4:16; Matt. 24:31; please note that, like the Father, my Lord's voice sound "as of many waters" -- Rev. 1:15; Eze. 43:2)

    What happens when he arrives in full? Those who belong to him and have died are surrected into spirit bodies; those who belong to him and have not died are instantly changed into spirit bodies. At the same time. (Check out the Kingdom Interlinear or Diaglott. The Greek reads "at the same time" or "simultaneously, while the NWT text omits it.) One group does not "go" or change (metamorph) before the other. (1 Thess. 4:15-17; 1 Cor. 15:23, 50-53; John 11:25, 26).

    And then what? Then they are taken to the spirit realm, which they can now enter because they have on "white robes," spirit bodies (flesh with its blood cannot enter into the spirit real). (John 3:5-7; 1 Cor. 15:50) There, in the "house" of God, the Father, they are joined in "marriage" to the Lamb, the Son - Christ (Rev. 19:7, 9; Matt. 22:8) - and become one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17; 12:13; 2 Cor. 3:17) - the same as when a man and woman are joined in marriage in the flesh and become one flesh (Gen. 2:24) - and of one Body, with Christ as the Head (Eph. 1:22, 23; 4:4, 15, 16; Col. 1:18).

    So they become one person? Sort of. They are still separate entities, of course, like a man and woman, but now are in unity, unified by means of a shared spirit, the spirit of God. By means of this unity, they become the "bride" of, and thus joint heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:17; Eph. 1:11; Hebrews 1:2; Luke 22:30)

    When does the "great tribulation" occur? Actually, it "occurs" twice (as does almost everything related to that which is spiritual: it has a fleshly fulfillment, as well as a spiritual one). It first occurred during the period between 30AD, which Christ was killed, until the fall of the temple at Jerusalem around 70AD. It was manifest by the slaughter of "christians" at the hands of Jews and Romans. Spiritually, however, we do not know when it will occur.

    The only way we can know would be if Christ told us, and since he said he didn't know, then he can't tell us. So what do we do? Nothing, really, other than stay awake and "seek the kingdom" (which is another topic altogether and has absolutely nothing to do with going door-to-door peddling books and magazines, or attending assemblies . . . or hypocritically judging others). In the meantime, we live our lives and do it with joy, for joy is a fruit of God's spirit.

    What happens during the 1,000 years? First Christ and his bride sit down on their thrones, after which they begin the separation of the "sheep" and the "goats." What this is about, how it occurs and why is outside the scope of this thread and for another time.

    What about thsoe who do not "belong" to Christ? These (the "rest" of thte dead) are not resurrected until the end, the "last day," when Christ hands the Kingdom over to the Father for judgment. (1 Cor. 15:24; Rev. 20:5; John 11:24)

    What happens to them? That is outside the scope of this subject and thus for another thread.

    What about Christ's reign? When did it begin? At Pentecost 30AD (please note the year), when he was "inaugurated" as king and priest, in the manner of Melchizedek and as manifest by the outpouring of God's holy spirit, which outpouring he was granted to do by means of becoming king. Prior to that, holy spirit was poured out/granted by God. (Matt. 28:18; 1 Cor. 15:25; Heb. 5:6, 9; 6:20; 7:21 - If you are using NWT, please refer to footnote for Heb. 6:9).

    When will his reign end? Never. It is forever and to time indefinite. (Ps. 145:13; Dan. 2:44) There is a biref period of pause, however, when he hands rulership back over to the Father (Rev. 15:24), but that is merely for God's judgment of those who take part in the second resurrection (Dan. 7:9, 10; Rev. 20;11-15). For although all authority to judge was given Christ, he judes no man. (John 3:17; 8:15; John 12:47) After God's judgment, Christ then inherits the kingdom in full . . . alone. His promise to his brothers that they would rule with him will have been fulfilled.

    And so, in order that we do not get too far off topic, I will end here.

    May the underserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose name is JAH . . . of Armies . . . and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you, if you so wish it.

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and slave of Christ.


  • Leolaia

    The text in Revelation 20:4, which implies a joint rulership of Christ with the saints for a thousand years, is dependent on two important earlier apocalyptic texts (both dating to the early second century BC):

    (1) The allusion to "thrones and people sat on the thrones" alludes to Daniel 7:9-10: "As I looked, thrones were placed and one that was ancient of days took his seat". In this passage, the "one like a son of man" is closely associated with the "saints of the Most High," such that the kingdom and authority is given to the Son of Man figure in 7:14, whereas in v. 27 we read that "the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him". Thus the kingdom of the Son of Man figure is so closely associated with that of the saints that one has to wonder whether in this text the Son of Man = the saints. The passage in Revelation similarly construes the kingdom as shared between Christ and the saints.

    (2) The idea about saints sitting on the thrones "with authority to judge" and "ruling with him [Christ] for a thousand years" (20:4), after which the great Judgment occurs (cf. 20:11-15), is earlier anticipated by the Apocalypse of Weeks vision in 1 Enoch. In this historical survey, each week = 490 years (i.e. a "great week" of seven 70-year periods, or ten jubilees; cf. Daniel 9, which assumes a 490-year period) and the first 7 weeks of human history end with the birth of the apocalyptic movement (1 Enoch 93:9-10), in which the "plant of righteousness" is given to the "elect". Once this happens, the 8th week, the "week of righteousness" begins and the elect are given authority "to execute judgment in righteousness on the oppressors" (91:12), and the judgment continues in the 9th week when "the righteous judgment shall be revealed to the whole world," with the whole earth being converted to righteousness (v. 14). The "thousand years" of Revelation 20:4, in addition to other influences, appears to be based on these latter two weeks of the Apocalypse of Weeks, which total 980 years. Then, partway through the 10th week, the "eternal Judgment" occurs (= 20:11-15), followed by "the first heaven departing and passing away, with a new heaven appearing" (= 21:1). And then weeks without number would pass into eternity (1 Enoch 91:17). The similarity between this part of 1 Enoch and the last two chapters of Revelation is very striking. And notice too that in the Apocalypse of Weeks, the focus is on the "elect" who rule in righteousness.

  • AGuest

    and the greatest of peace to you!

    Your information is wonderful! A few comments if I may? Thank you!

    Daniel 7:9 actually speaks of only one throne. The word korce' is Chaldean and singular. In the Aramaic, however, it is pluralized to depict glory, splendor, magnificence, etc. The "someone like a son of man" is the Christ... and only him. True, the "saints" (or sanctified/holy ones) will rule with him, but Daniel is not referring to that here.

    What Daniel is depicting is what occurs AFTER the 1,000 years. During the 1,000 years (or 980 plus, no problem), Christ and his bride "sit on thrones" to "separate" the "sheep" from the "goats". What takes place here is that people are separated, based on how they treated Christ, by means of how they treated his bride. Those who did "good" to such ones are given white robes (spirit bodies) and granted entry into the spirit realm. Those that did not do good to such ones are "cut off" from entry. They are not destroyed (yet) but simply not allowed to enter into the spirit realm so as to eat from the Tree of Life. Please note that each group will come from people of every kind: it will NOT be based on their beliefs, religion, race, gender, culture, class, status, etc. It will be based simply and purely on how they treated Christ's brothers.

    At the END of the 1,000 years (which, again, may in fact be 980 or so), Satan is loosed from his restrictions and thus goes off to "mislead" those who are still in the physical realm... Gog... and Magog. Gog are the "goats" who were cut off from entry into the spirit realm. Magog are the spirits that were cut off, starting with some from the days of Noah (however, not all of them, as my Lord went and preached to all who were in Hades and below during his 3-day interrment and those who put faith in him at that time are "covered").

    At that time, fire comes down from heaven, from the very nostrils of JAH, who, like all spirit beings, is a "seraph"... He being the MOST High of them all... and devours Gog... who are beings of flesh... and Magog... who are beings of spirit... thus, cleansing the heavens (spirit realm) and the earth (physical realm). That is what is meant when it says "the heavens and earth that are today are stored up for fire." It is not the literal heavens or the literal earth, both of which remain forever; rather, it is the wicked spirits, either in flesh or not (and sorry, dear ones, there are in fact some people... and spirits... who are just plain wicked. It is not God's fault, or their parents fault, or society's fault. It just is. It is a CHOICE such ones have made, to love wickedness over righteousness. And no, these are not merely "imperfect" people. We are, all of us, imperfect. They are ones who hate... and love to do so... to the point of harming others for the THRILL of it).

    After Gog and Magog are destroyed, Satan is cast into the lake of fire, the fires of which actually forged him to begin with. Just as man is made of dust and thus returns to the dust, Satan is returned to the source from which he came as well. He was forged in fire and only fire can destroy him.

    After THAT... my Lord hands the kingdom over to the Father so that the Father can render judgment of the dead. This is what you see in Daniel 7:9, 10 and is depicted at Revelation 20:11-15. Once that task is accomplished, the kingdom is then given in full to my Lord, and only him, as seen in Daniel 7:13, 14. He fulfilled his promise to his brothers, that they would rule with him as kings and priests... during the 1,000 years prior to "the end."

    Anyway, I was thrilled to read your information (I often am!), and thank you again! Peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • toreador


    Do you believe in an eternal concious torment or separation from God?

    Just curious.


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