There are always a few threads on this forum dealing with one mate 'fading' and the other tight in the 'truth'. The scenarios are always similar; 'fader' is iching to finally 'get out' - other 'zealous mate' is always anxious to end the marriage or destroy the life of the 'fader'. 'Fader' wants to bring 'zealous' out, but thinks he will terminate his/her relationship with 'zealous' in so doing.
When I left, Wifey came right along. So I have no experience in the precise difficulties faced when this does not happen, although I empathize.
One strategy that came to mind was a simple one; Take parts of R Franz' books, or others pertinent to your situation, retype the general thoughts as if your own words, making it look like you are just rambling on a certain point, like everlasting life or God's using an organization today or how God must feel about the idea of 6 billion people dying so a few million can have the earth, and making sure it is subtle enough to be read without 'apostate' undertones. Slip it into a file folder on your desk - not too obvious, but let it be found. Do not say a word. I have found that the reasoning of men like Franz and Cabeen and Waters are excellent. They make sound arguments that would work on many topics. The key is making sure the mate finds and reads it without knowing it's 'apostate' origins. [If you have doubts about using these writings in such a way, contact the author - I am sure he would grant it without problem]. Seed planted. Then later another, once you are sure it is being read. So forth until the seed sprouts.
Any other ideas for planting good seeds for later aiding a smooth transition out of 'God's Organization"?