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Pedophiles In My Church? Can't Be
American Chronicle, CA - 18 minutes ago
... Soon the class is over and you move to the big room again where you fall asleep while some old man is talking about a guy named Jehovah. ...
Pedophiles In My Church? Can't Be
Stan Grimes
June 9, 2006
Try, if you can, to place yourself into the mind of a five-year-old boy or girl. Your parents take you to a new church. They have converted to a new religion and you are thinking, “What’s a religion, daddy?” Daddy tells you that it’s a new building and that you will meet all kinds of new friends. So, it sounds like fun to you. Everyone in the room is singing some really cool songs and you giggle when you see some of the older folks jumping up and down to the music. You say to yourself, “this is going to be lots of fun.”
After everyone sings music, your daddy tells you to be real quiet ‘cause the man is going to say a prayer, “What’s a prayer, daddy?” Daddy tells you the man is going to talk to God…”who is God?” you think. The prayer takes a long time, but when it’s over, they herd you and some other boys and girls to another room. Mommy tells you that it’s going to be okay. It’s going to be like going to school.
Once you’re taken to a small classroom, you meet other kids your age and they seem nice, and you discover the man with a suit on is nice too. He teaches you about somebody named Jesus, but you’re too busy giggling at the little boy next to you to hear what the man is saying. Soon the class is over and you move to the big room again where you fall asleep while some old man is talking about a guy named Jehovah. The meeting is over and your parents take you home.
Mommy cooks dinner and tells you that the nice man that taught you about Jesus is coming for dinner. You think it will be fun and when the nice man and his wife knock on the door, you smile and let them in. They bring their two little kids with them, two boys. They were nice boys. You take them outside and play kickball with them. Soon the nice man comes out to play kickball. The nice man asks you to show him your swimming pool. He puts his arm around, which you think is nice. Then the nice man puts his hand on your fanny, which you think doesn’t seem quite right. The nice man then touches your zipper and it makes you uncomfortable and you run away, but you don’t tell your mommy or daddy because the nice man is still a nice man and he’s tall like daddy.
Do you think this doesn’t happen? Do you think there are no pedophiles in the ranks of your churches? Pedophilia happens not just in the Catholic Church, but every church. Church can be a breeding ground for pedophiles. Before you decide to join a new church, check out its history and check out its membership.
What, pedophiles in my church? Church, the last bastion of kindness and all that is holy in your life. How can that be? Church is made up of people. They are your neighbors, your mayors, your schoolteachers, your bosses, and your deviants. Yes, deviants go to church. What better atmosphere can there be for pedophilia? They get to see all the little kids in their neighborhood, and sometimes they become Sunday school teachers, ministers, priests, and choir directors.
Your best defense as mentioned earlier is investigating the new church you’re thinking about joining. Investigate more than just its principles, but investigate the people who attend, especially those who hold leadership positions. “Beware of wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing” is not a cliché. It is a reality in today’s world.
Would you like to know more about the possibility of pedophiles in your church? Try this site and your eyes might be opened:
Sorry about
not getting the primary link here,it is at my site i had no control over article-Danny Haszard
NEWS-Pedophiles In My Church? Can't Be
by DannyHaszard 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Same author here too Knowing An Unsafe Cult
American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA
... Although these signs are not written in stone, they do give a sense of what is going on in the minds of cult members or new recruits of unsafe cults. ... Knowing An Unsafe Cult Stan Grimes June 7, 2006 I have received a number of emails from readers interested in knowing how to tell if they or someone they care for are being enticed or lured into an unsafe cult. Although these signs are not written in stone, they do give a sense of what is going on in the minds of cult members or new recruits of unsafe cults. Rick Ross, Expert Consultant and Intervention Specialist of http://rickross.com has presented the following warning signs shown by individuals, who very possibly may be either members of an unsafe cult or about to become members of an unsafe cult: 1. Extreme obsessiveness, regarding the group/leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration. 2. Individual identity, the group, the leader, and/or God as distinct and separate categories of existence become increasingly blurred. Instead, in the follower's mind these identities become substantially and increasingly fused--as that person's involvement with the group/leader continues and deepens. 3. Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned, it is characterized as “persecution.” 4. Uncharacteristically stilted and seemingly programmed conversation and mannerisms, cloning of the group/leader in personal behavior. 5. Dependency upon the group/leader for problem solving, solutions, and definitions without meaningful reflective thought. A seeming inability to think independently or analyze situations without group/leader involvement. 6. Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supercede any personal goals or individual interests. 7. A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor. 8. Increasing isolation from family and old friends unless they demonstrate an interest in the group/leader. 9. Anything the group/leader does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful. 10. Former followers are at best-considered negative or worse evil and under bad influences. They cannot be trusted and personal contact is avoided. What qualifies as an unsafe cult? If you have internet access (and I assume you do), use your favorite search engine and search for cults. Go to the Rick Ross website. There is a great deal of information on that site about unsafe cults and leaders of cults. Remember, many cults are traps and leaving them is much more difficult than joining them. -------- Notice to Watchtower hacks: see,you can't go around pissing off millions of people and not expect repercussions -
Good article. More bad press for those bastards, I love it.
When I was around 6 or 7 years old, the CO visited our congregation. He probably did it lots of times, but this is the one that sticks to mind, because he stayed at our place, and had dinner with us. He was sooo nice and kind and loving to us kids, and payes attention primarily to us, not to my mom and dad, which I thought was kind of cool. Nothing much happened, he followed us to our bedrooms when mom put me and my little sister to bed, and he was all patting me on the head and stuff, suuuperkind. A few years later, we found out that he was arrested for child abuse. It turned out he liked little boys, and had been molesting kids for years, but it wasn`t until he molested some kids outside the religion, that he was caught (gee, I figure why). He was DFed, later reinstated, then did it again, and DFed again. He even showed up at our congregation after he was DFed, and sat the whole time in the back of the room with sunglasses on the whole meeting thru, either from shame over what he had done, or because he wanted to make it look like he was ashamed, or maybe both. My mom told me that the guy had given her a "bad feeling". I think he had been hinting at reading a bedtime story for me and my sis, but mom had gotten a bad feeling about the whole thing, and changed the subject, so he didn`t get to spend time with me alone. That was the best thing that woman ever did for me. She sure had good intuition, that woman. I feel so sorry for all the kids he (and other like him) molested.
This is perfect for the field work in your communities. And easy to print up for distribution. Print and place.
Jehovah's Witness Abuse Victims Support & Advocacy Site
World Forum - May 25, 2006
Any Jehovah's Witness members -- either former or existingAlso hanging well on the news wire has received thousands of views
#1 ranked news link worldwide June 9 2006 for pedophiles will get lots of views http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&ie=UTF-8&q=pedophiles Pedophiles In My Church? Can't Be
American Chronicle, CA - 4 hours ago
... Do you think this doesn’t happen? Do you think there are no pedophiles in the ranks of your churches? ... Church can be a breeding ground for pedophiles. ... He didn't say jehovah witnesses but they will make the connection