Mon Dieu - I need a great French translation

by TresHappy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    I used to live with a family in Paris years ago. I made contact with her via the Internet back in 2001. Haven't heard from her in a while. Just got in touch with her boyfriend. He sent me this e-mail; I get the hint they've broken up. - Could someone wonderful soul translate for me?

    Bonjour. Comment vas-tu ? De mon côté je me porte très bien. Tu voulais le n° de téléphone a Evelyne.j' ai rien de sa part. elle est partie depuis 6 mois, et évite de prendre contact avec moi. je suis très étonner de son comportement aprês 14 ans de vie commune. elle qui rêvait toujours de partir vivre en Martinique au soleil.Moi,je pense l'erreur que j'ai fais c'est de trop laisser de liberté,d'etre trop gentil. de vouloir trop bien faire pour qu'elle soit heureuse. Et voilà le résultat. C' était la femme que j'ai aimer le plus dans ma vie. Mais elle n'a pas su respecter mes sentiments, c'est dommage abandonner si près du but. bon bref c'est du passer maintenant. Je te fais un gros bisou, et à très bientôt.

  • misspeaches

    This is the Babelfish translation

    Hello. How are you? On my side I go very well. You had wanted the n° of telephone has Evelyne.j' have anything of his share it left for 6 months, and avoid contacting me I am very to astonish by his behavior aprês 14 years of common life it which always dreamed to leave to live in Martinique with the soleil.Moi, I think the error which I have do is too much to leave freedom, to be too nice. to want to make too well so that it is happy. And here is the result. It was the woman whom I have to love more in my life. But it did not know to respect my feelings, it is a pity to give up so close to the goal good short is to pass now. I make you a large kiss, and with very soon.

  • bisous

    I'll take a shot, but there are some french member here who might do better.

    Hello. How are you? Things are good with me. You asked for Evelyne's phone number. I haven't heard from her, she has been gone for 6 months and has avoided contacting me. I'm suprised by her behavior after 14 years of living together She always dreamed of living in the sun in Martinique. Me, I think the mistake I made is being too nice, being too free and wanting to be happy. this is what happens. She was the woman I loved most, but she did not respect my feelings. It is sad to give up so close to the goal . I send you big kisses and see you soon!

    not sure, but think that is close, my french is a bit rusty.

  • the_classicist

    Bonjour. Comment vas-tu ? De mon côté je me porte très bien. Tu voulais le n° de téléphone a Evelyne.j' ai rien de sa part. elle est partie depuis 6 mois, et elle est partie, et évite de prendre contact avec moi. . je suis très étonner de son comportement aprês 14 ans de vie commune. elle qui rêvait toujours de partir vivre en Martinique au soleil.Moi,je pense l'erreur que j'ai fais c'est de trop laisser de liberté,d'etre trop gentil. de vouloir trop bien faire pour qu'elle soit heureuse. Et voilà le résultat. C' était la femme que j'ai aimer le plus dans ma vie. Mais elle n'a pas su respecter mes sentiments, c'est dommage abandonner si près du but. bon bref c'est du passer maintenant. Je te fais un gros bisou, et à très bientôt. Hello, How are you? From my position, I am doing very well. You wanted the telephone number for (of?) Evelyn. I've had enough of her part. She's been gone for six months and she's avoided contact with me. I am very astonished by her behaviour after 14 years of cohabitation. She, who always dreamed about leaving to live in the sun at Martinique. Me, I think that the error I have done is to leave too much freedom, to be too nice. ?? And so here is the result. She was the woman whom I loved the most in my live. But she didn't respect my feelings. It's too bad to give up ??if I am so close to the goal??. ??Short good it is to pass now??. I give you a great kiss, and [?I'll see you?] very soon. That's the best I can do of a translation.

  • the_classicist


    Much better than mine which took, relatively, so long a time! Good job.

  • Narkissos


    A slight correction: I think the mistake I made is leaving (her) too much freedom, being too nice, and wanting too hard for her to be happy.

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