Hush Money

by What-A-Coincidence 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I see many threads about Bethel paying out Bethelites as they leave to keep in quiet - Aka: Hush Money.

    I don't believe it was Hush $ in Ray Franz's was more like "here is something for you to get started". So I don't think anyone has been "paid."

    If their is a basis for mentioning this please post confirmed examples. We don't want to spread lies like the WT. So, are there any confirmed cases of pay outs???

    wac out.

  • Scully

    In the case of Vicki Boer, the WTS offered her a settlement out of court (for an undisclosed amount of money) with respect to her civil suit against them and elders who handled her sexual abuse case. She refused the settlement on principle, since it came with a stipulation that she would not be allowed to talk about her experience with anyone any more, which is the last thing a survivor of sexual abuse needs.

  • Gregor


    I would know nothing of the subject of 'hush' money. Scully refers to a specific case that sounds like it was money offered to avoid litigation and the publicity associated with it.

    But you said something that I feel strongly about. That is, reckless, irrelevant and pointless accusations. The WTS has enough real faults, inconsistencies and dirty laundry to be discredited a hundred times over. When we focus on anecdotal stories about individuals who were/are pricks and a-holes it really weakens our position. As an example, I point to our dear Danny Hazzard. He obviously got caught in the gears of a local cong. that did him a terrible injustice. But I don't think his basic experience is that hard to find duplicated in almost any small closed group, whether it's the JWs, the local school board or city council, Pentecostal church, etc. where individual personalities and egos can clash. Try getting a small church committee together to decide what color to paint the building and watch the fur fly!

    There was a post yesterday from Cold Red Rain that made me cringe. Apparently he got drunk, went to the KH and started a physical altercation with a JW. We don't need that shit!

    If redundant Bethelites are being some money to get out of town, so what? We have bigger fish to fry with the org. than that.

  • Undecided

    I agree with Gregor. I don't like apostates to be viewed as a bunch of wackos by JWs, especially when some make it seem true.

    Ken P.

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