Forum History Lesson: Any ungratefuls?

by under_believer 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    I see a lot of posts here from people who, even though they've had trials and difficulties because of learning the truth about the truth, are appreciative and say things like "Thank god for JWD! It really set me free!"
    I'm curious whether anybody has ever come on here, learned the truth, accepted it and recognized it for the truth, but been unhappy because it meant trial and tribulation, hypocrisy, regret, change.
    I'm not talking about JW's who come on here to argue--I'm talking about people who really recognize that the Witnesses are vomit, learned it from the board, but wish they hadn't found out.
    Has anybody been ungrateful?

  • kazar

    I am not ungrateful that I found out the truth about "the truth" on this site because I am totally free from the guilt, inadequacy and fear I felt from the WTS. However, there are times I wax nostalgic and wish I could still believe in that "New World".

  • Insomniac

    Well, I'm not sure this is what you're talking about, but I know of at least two or three people who, after having been members of this board for a while (and speaking quite openly about their disillusionment with the org.,)eventually opted to remain witnesses, at least for the time being. These weren't so much cases of "ungratefulness" as they were acknowledgements of the difficulty of leaving behind all of one's friends and family, belief system, sense of order, etc., in favor of an uncertain future in a world we were taught to be terrified of. I believe these people will leave, eventually. But they can't make a successful escape until they're emotionally ready for the fallout, and that can take longer for some people.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    I'm sure there are those who chose to return to the matrix, but I can't imagine anyone who is truly sincere being ungrateful. Coming to this site is a choice. I recall my first peek into the evils of non watchtower sanctioned/approved websites (meaning ALL of them other than and jwmedia) and the terror I felt. It was totally in my power to click back to my homepage instantly and run to the elders for spiritual healing, but I chose to stay and learn the truth about the truth.

  • moanzy

    I think the ones that see the truth on JWD, but still remain or go back to the org just haven't had enough.

    I probably would have stayed in because of family if it wasn't for the simple fact that they weren't even worth it by that time.

    The loss from staying in far outweighed the loss from leaving.


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