Assembly Talks

by TooBad TooSad 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Now that we have all been enlightened with the outlines of two of this summers assembly talks we need to make copies and spread them around to our Witness friends. They will probably assume that this must be apostate material. It really is amazing how we on the board know things about the org before those in the org do. This really must upset head quarters.

    My mother recently told me that the bad conditions in the world now show how close the end is. I told her that I think that conditions in the world are a lot better than they were 60 years ago during WW11 when the nations were killing and destroying each other. She said "no" things are worse now.

    This really is Toobad and Toosad.

  • mouthy

    I am not sticking up for Mother... But I have to agree with her. I dont believe it is because the world is near its end or the JWs are right. But things in my opinion are worse. Yes maybe because we hear things quicker because of the Internet. But I can remember we would never have to lock our doors ,or cars( not that I had a car) We could send out kids to school & they would not get kidnapped( it was BIG NEWS when it did happen) Now it is a usual thing to have homes robbed with the doors locked. Killings,for no reason at all DRUGS!!!! Rapes ,fraud, Is it my age????Or cant you see where there doesnt seem to be much love in the world.? The WT is like a big stick !!!! beating folks into fear!!!! And because the conditions ( lack of love) do seem to be more prevelant ( in my opinion) folks are listening to them.. I was in the WW11,lost my baby in it....But even during that ,WT told people it was the last day!!!! Maybe the next half an hour!!!! So folks stayed in it then IN FEAR!!!! ( I was NOT a JW then but others who were told me) So dont poo poo Mum too much because she will consider you blind .Just as the Witch Tower teaches you are ( to her) No that is not an error the Witchtower it is

    Just my two cents.....

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Too Bad,

    If you haven't read the book "The Sign Of The Last Days-When?" by Carl Olof Jonsson, then I highly recommend you do. It is really amazing at how far we have come. I was blown away at how different the statistics are compared to what the Watchtower presents in the literature. It really is a good book and easy to read.


    Lady Liberty

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