To all my Fellow Klutzy Friends.................

by whyamihere 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    I have had one hell of morning fulfilling in a klutziness state.....

    I was walking into Jack's(my son)room to make his bed and clean up the toys. Well, as I walked towards his room I miss calculated the door way smashing my foot and smacking my shoulder. I went flying into the room landing on the bed. I laid there is pain, continuously laughing at how ridiculous I may have looked.

    After cleaning up his room, I was taking all his dirty clothes to the laundry room. As I walked down the stairs, I tripped over my own foot, tumbling all the way down still clinging on to the basket. I laid there on the bottom of the steps laughing in agony. My children just starred at me, my daughter Lily looked at me and said "What's wrong with you?"

    Then, my kids gave me a new DVD that I had purchased yesterday, gladly I went to open it. I sliced my hand up real good with a knife. I looked at my hand as it bleed thinking to myself....Where did I go wrong? Why am I such a Klutz?

    I mean I walk in to things all the time. I never go into a Hallmark store fearing I will knock something down. I get nervous in a cluttered home.

    Anyone else like me?


  • ButtLight
    Anyone else like me?

    God, I sure as hell hope not!!!!!!!!

  • Swan

    No dear, I think you are the only one.


  • kls

    Oh gawd , how do you like being me

    Last week in class i was taking a blood pressure ,when my rubber glove got stuck in the zipper of the case when i tried to get the cuff out. It was so stuck that the instructor could not stop laughing long enough to help me but just kept laughing. Finally another student helped me by ripping my glove off to get my finger out. ((((((((((( Embarrassing))))))))))))

    Welcome to my world Brooke

  • ButtLight

    I use to go to this one bar quite often. I swear, every single time I went there, i would spill my beer! Everyone must have thought I was the biggest klutz! I would go other places, and never ever spilled one. The bartender would see me come in, and put a towel down in front of me so I could clean up my own beer!

    I have done the steps too. Slipped on the top one, slid on my hind end all the way down. Damn that smarts!

  • whyamihere

    I used to be a Cocktail waitress, in one of my stations I had this fire extinguisher hanging on the side towards the floor. I swear I hit that damn thing so many times. I would have bruises all over my thighs. Once I hit it so hard I sliced my thigh on the metal handle, that was really embarrassing to have your boss give you band-aids for that type of injury.

    Thank god I have a extra pair of stockings.


  • unique1

    I am right there with you. Seems like some days are worse than others. I constantly have bruises on me from running into stuff. Ever fell UP the stairs. I have done that so many times. It must look ridiculous.

  • JH
    miss calculated the door way smashing my foot and smacking my shoulder

    I guess it's beer thirty for you too Brooke

  • theinfamousone

    im the klutziest mofo in the world... dont feel too badly about it... i fell down the stairs today, then i burned myself making coffee... then at work i was using hot water to make some soup, and i burned myself again, then i sprained my ankle playing ping pong at work.... dammit... long ass day!

    the infamous one

  • Carmel

    I'm the only one I ever encountered that repeatedly tripped over the painted lines on the basket ball court! And to think I went to college on a basketball scholarship!! Ugly ducklings (klutz) make for swans sooner or later!


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