Orange Julius and JWs

by VM44 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    Remember the Orange Julius Hamburger and Drink stands?
    Their old logo was of a red Devil with a pitchfork, and
    the motto for their drink was "A Devilishly Good Drink"
    (I thought their hamburgers were pretty good also)

    How many JWs do you think avoided Orange Julius because of the
    logo and slogan?

    Could you imagine stopping for an Orange Julius after service?
    "Pardon me, brother, but what is that written on the drink you
    are drinking?"

    It would be really good to try an place the recent Watchtower
    with the cover article "Does the Devil Really Exist" at Orange
    Julius stands!

    Here is a recipe for the Orange Julius drink, now JWs can
    enjoy the "Devilishly Good" Beverage at home without fear of
    stumbling anyone!



    P.S. Alas, time has moved on, the Orange Julius corporation
    has moved away from the old Devil logo and slogan!

    But never mind! The fact is, history shows that Orange Julius
    had an association with the Devil! That is enough for the JWs
    to avoid it.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    WOW! As Count Floyd might say, "Ohhhhhh, kids, that's SCARY!"

    The link didn't work too well for me, so here's the text from that site:

    Here's a quick-n-easy recipe from the first Top Secret Recipes book. Notice the egg substitute (which is made from egg whites) in the recipe. That's how you get a frothy, foamy drink. If you want a version of Strawberry and Pineapple Julius, check out the recipes in the second book, More Top Secret Recipes.

    1 cup orange juice
    1 cup water
    1/4 cup egg substitute
    3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 heaping cup ice

    Combine all of the ingredients in a blender set on high speed for 15-30 seconds. (
    Makes 2 drinks.

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