Watchtower Defeat By The "Unthinkable" Crumbling

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Take a look at the trends in recent years and you can see a pattern of the "unthinkable" becoming reality, in Witness-land.

    Watchtower subscriptions being ended ( after most of 120 years) - done

    Bethelites laid off en masse after being told of staying for life - done

    The Awake downsized - done

    Watchtower exposed as covering up child molestation - continuing

    Witnesses publically suing the Society - increasing

    And the world is helping too. My dear departed mother didn't know what a homosexual was when she got married and had to

    ask my dad ( "they do what!!!??). I thought they were slavering perverts - until a number of them "came out" at work and I realized

    they were mostly ordinary guys paying a mortgage like me. Big deal. I thought no woman could manage a department like a man

    - until an accountant lady proved that she could do so better than most. Life goes on and we learn...

    I can also recall some Rutherford-era relatives of mine discussing his "relationships" with women other than his wife, in hushed

    tones, away from us kids. What was spoken in secret now gets splattered all over the world via the mighty - and subversive - internet.

    What "unthinkable" thing happens next in Watchtower -land? I would say that their cutbacks are accelerating the process.

    Maybe the Awake gets dumped completely. Maybe congregations get dumped by an internal formula involving contributions.

    Maybe liability kills the door to door work. Maybe assemblies get derailed by threats. Maybe they beat the flock with talks

    that berate them.

    Who knows? As they say in the stock market, for us, "the trend is your friend"


  • sir82
    Maybe they beat the flock with talks that berate them

    That gets my vote right there!

    If in doubt, check out the WT study articles for last week ("Ask yourself, how much time do I really spend decorating my house?") and this week ("Some Christians are engaging in programs of personal let's spend 3 or 4 paragraphs telling you why that is awful").

    This type of stuff is, I think, more and more just wooshing righ over th eheads of the "flock", who just continue to do whatever they want. The society doesn't know any remedy other than "beat the flock harder", which is what I expect in the years to come.

  • LDH

    "The beatings will continue until morale improves!"

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    dont you worry, with so much real estate and money on the line, someone will come up with something.

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