Zealous Churches ... and the Lazy Watchtower

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    To many, the notion that churches in "Christendom" could be zealous - in contrast to the indifference of the Watchtower Society -

    might seem radical. However, there is a recent, powerful example concerning marriage and divorce.

    A number of churches are developing "marriage mentor" programs or other premarital counseling plans to reduce the divorce rate.

    Examples include PREPARE ( Premarital Personal and Relationship Evaluation) and FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication

    Understanding and Study). Many of these churches are reporting dramatic declines in divorce among couples that have been trained

    in building a stable marriage. There is also a program called PREP that counsels couples how to deal with conflict that claims a 3%

    divorce rate after five years compared to a 16% rate in a control group.

    Why shouldn't couples be strongly encouraged to receive training before they get married? Why should such a central part of most people's

    lives be entered into without solid preparation?

    Of course, the indifferent ( and lazy ) approach would be ignore the problems with Witness marriages, try to punish people who stray,

    and generally proclaim the fantasy that they live in a "spiritual paradise" ( not unlike the "worker's paradise" promised by Communists)

    And then there's education: Lots of churches actually encourage higher education! (gasp!) They may build universities like

    Notre Dame or BYU.................and there's a darn good reason why. The Wall Street Journal of March 25, 2006 pg A8 reported on the

    average annual earnings by amount of education as provided by the US Census Bureau:

    high school diploma 27,915

    College Degree 51,206

    Advanced Degree 74,602

    Note that the difference between high school and an advanced degree is getting near a 3 to 1 ratio !!! What does this tell you about the

    stress that will be placed on "loyal" Witnesses and their marriages?

    Of course, once again, the lazy and careless way to deal with this issue is exactly what Watchtower Central is doing: discouraging

    higher education and proclaiming "the Lord will provide, brother" ....... while funding the Circuit Overseer's car, expenses, auto insurance

    and health insurance .. and maybe even a little pension.

    and they call themselves "zealous"? for who? themselves?


  • IW

    Marriage is tough no way around that. But money does not equate with a happy marriage. Also most who divorce are not Witnesses and most bad parents aren't Witnesses either. I'm not defending the Witnesses just trying to inject some objectivity here.


  • IP_SEC

    Heads up IW. I think marriage and education were two different examples comparing the WT and Churches plus more money can mean less stress over money, the single biggest cause of arguments in marriage..

    Good examples meta. I've seen this marriage counseling in action. It seems head and sholders above the dubs.

  • serendipity

    WT marital advice.

  • press any key
    press any key

    That combined with wives not being allowed to have an opinion should set witnoid couples up for a long and happy (for the hubby) union.

    Oh, and if you get divorced without grounds then no more sex ever or you'll die.

  • Stephanus
    Marriage is tough no way around that. But money does not equate with a happy marriage. Also most who divorce are not Witnesses and most bad parents aren't Witnesses either. I'm not defending the Witnesses just trying to inject some objectivity here.

    Heh, heh! Island Woman misses the point completely, as it goes swooping over her head! LOL


    Of the 'never trust anyone who says "I'm not defending the Witnesses, but..." 'class

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