Why are witnesses allowed to write their own magazines about the bible?

by Judas I. 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    If the GB understand and translate the bible with the watchtower mags...why can't they just teach the others how to undersatnd the Bible for themselves?

    Kinda like....is it right or wrong for a slave to ASK his master for his knowledge and freedom? Is it right or wrong for the master to give it to Him?

    Good or Bad?


  • TresHappy

    Power, then comes abuse of power.

  • gumby
    If the GB understand and translate the bible with the watchtower mags...why can't they just teach the others how to undersatnd the Bible for themselves?

    For the same reason christendom has bible schools that use many books such as lexicons, commentaries, bible dictionaries, and such to teach you what the scriptures mean. If the scriptures were trully from god.....you wouldn't need books, magazines, and schools to teach you it's meaning.

    Btw......welcome here.

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    Been here done this.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Why are witnesses allowed to write their own magazines about the bible? Allowed by whom ? Isn't this a reasonably free world ?

    why can't they just teach the others how to undersatnd the Bible for themselves ? Now that's a different matter.

    They can't because they don't understand it themselves.

    They don't because of various reasons of fear for loss - if they can't instill their minds' way into your head, then you're probably not going to 'go' with them - meaning you won't join them or continue to support them and so forth - rationalised in their own mind as "you're going to die without them" - like the abusive control freak whose way is "your nothing without me" kind of thing.

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    Funny...it almost seems like they need english teachers to keep teaching them english until they die of old age. Do they ever "graduate"?

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