The spiritual realm mystifies and sometimes creeps me out!

by tsunami_rid3r 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    I believe and I am very spiritual. Tonight, my study group was talking about all this stuff about demons and angels and spirits. Especially about one of the girl's experience in Fiji, with a tribe that literally saw demons and spirits. When the girl came to missionary grounds, the missionary could feel that shes been around these demons.

    I'm just so interested in this spiritual realm. Sometimes I feel like its guiding my life and plays a big part on who I meet and don't meet. Sometimes it even gives me this tingling feeling.

    I was so creeped out, I had to have the girl talk to me on the phone on my way back, while following the other girl.

  • LittleToe

    Face your fears and fear only fear itself.

  • Robdar

    Yeah, what LT said.

    The mystical realm isn't for wussies. That's fer sure.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    I have a yin yang tattooed on me. I'm trying to learn more about what I fear. Tonight made me second thought leaving the Witnesses.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    WHy? She mentioned that these days, people in nation-states don't believe in a spiritual realm really much anymore, and most all believe spirits cant be seen. On the other, there are these other countries with people that can see them. She thinks this will be the ruin of us all, makes us an easy target. Reminds me of Jehovah's Witness teachings, and it makes sense. It just scares me.

  • Undecided

    It's all in the mind, if you don't believe in spirits you will never see one. If you get afraid of them you will get spooked. We are stuck in a physical world, so only be concerned about things you can see and touch.

    Ken P.

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