Ethnographic Study of Jehovah's Witnesses

by JW_Researcher 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW_Researcher

    A chapter in this book:

    The Cultural Experience: Ethnography in Complex Society

    David W. McCurdy, James P. Spradley, and Dianna J. Shandy

    ISBN 1-57766-364-0

    contains an Ethnographic Study of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I have it in a PDF. It is 12 pages and 2.22MB.

    PM me if you'd like it e-mailed.

  • JW_Researcher

    I've sent this study to a handful of people who requested it and am more than happy to do so.

    However, more than one person has requested the study but not supplied an e-mail address to which I can send the study.

    Unless you can instruct me on how to send it to you via this site (a feat I don't think is possible...but might be?) I'll need a regular e-mail.

    Set up a Yahoo, Hotmail, or other web-based free account if you're worried about privacy.

    Best regards.

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