Knock-Knock----Is this another Urban legend

by Tea4Two 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tea4Two

    Smoking victim stays positive, shares his hope, faith


    FRUITLAND PARK — The little girl walks to the rear of the Fruitland Park Kingdom Hall and boldly approaches the gaunt man with the tube running into his nose from the oxygen tank at his side.

    “What’s wrong with you?” she asks with the innocence of a child.

    Without pause, the man replies, “I smoked too many cigarettes.”

    Not, “I’m sick.” Or, “I need this to breathe.” Rather, “I smoked too many cigarettes.”

    No sugar-coating. No beating around the bush.

    You learn to answer succinctly when the price of each breath is effort. You carefully weigh your words before speaking them when you need a machine to pump air into lungs withered from 30 years of two packs a day.

    “I was already smoking when I moved here when I was 14. Had been for quite a while. Camel non-filters. As an adult, I smoked at least two packs a day,” said Cecil Sangster from the recliner that serves as the center of his universe.

    He shares the recliner with chronic emphysema, which has been trying to kill lungs once used to sing country and western songs with a voice clear and strong. It was a voice that took him from Weirsdale to a Nashville recording studio, where he cut a single that went nowhere.

    It was the voice he used to thunder, “Yes, sir,” when he was in the Air Force. The voice he used to sell mobile homes in Wildwood, clothes in Leesburg and furniture in Callahan.

    Cecil hasn’t been able to work for 20 years.

    The diagnosis

    Of course, Cecil would have never touched a cigarette if he could have peeked into the future. But he was like millions of others who couldn’t foresee gasping for breath as a consequence of lighting up.

    “I was 46 when I was first diagnosed with shortness of breath,” said Cecil. “They took me to a doctor in Tavares, and he said, ‘Man, you’ve got a bad case of emphysema.’”

    So Cecil threw away his cigarettes, right? Not exactly.

  • luna2

    It could be true. Don't know how to tell. I would imagine that if I was dying like that and didn't know any better, the whole Jehoho's Witless thing...with a whole new bod and a whole new perfect life on a perfect earth...might look pretty dang good.

  • Jourles

    I'm sorry, but I guess I'm not sure which part you are referring to as being an urban legend? The little girl? It simply sounds like your typical story of someone who is dying from smoking for too many years.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    Click on the link and read the whole article.

    Jeehover's people came and saved him while he was in the hospital.

    I often wondered how many of the articles that were in the Awakes similar to that one, were actually 100% true...Especially the ones where the person is laying in their room smacked out of their mind, watching the demons crawl on the ceiling, while holding a gun to their head. Right when they're about to pull the trigger....


    Enter the 2 pioneer sisters who save the day.


    Interesting article though. Thanks for posting it.

    luv, jojo

  • Tea4Two

    JOJO, By Jov!....I think you got it!.......JWs luv to tell this type of story at conventions and such! ....As a Witless...I always believed. Now I see clearly.

  • Mary
    I often wondered how many of the articles that were in the Awakes similar to that one, were actually 100% true...Especially the ones where the person is laying in their room smacked out of their mind, watching the demons crawl on the ceiling, while holding a gun to their head. Right when they're about to pull the trigger....KNOCK KNOCK!!!!! IT'S JEHOVAH!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Enter the 2 pioneer sisters who save the day.

    This really has happened, but I doubt it was Jehovah "directing it", but is based more on statistics. At any given moment, there's thousands of Witnesses out in Service all over the world, so naturally there's going to be some Witnesses who sooner or later, call on someone who's about to commit suicide. Naturally it's going to be viewed as Divine Intervention.

    Funny thing is, other missionaries or churches report the exact same thing happening: they were about to kill themselves and they saw a preacher on TV or got a phone call etc.

    As for the smoking guy, it could definitely be true as it's a well known fact that smoking causes emphysema---no great mystery there. If anything, it's a wake up call for all the health problems smoking can cause, even when you've given them up..

  • LDH

    sad story. He's wasting his last breaths meeting the 70 hour Regular Pioneer quota via phone witnessing.

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