
by pudgey1 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pudgey1

    Hey everyone

    I've heard people mention '607' please can you explain to me what this is all about.



  • MidwichCuckoo

    607 is the combined IQ of the GB, although most argue that it is only 587.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Or do you mean THIS 607...

    Basically, it's an important date in Watchtower chronology which they appear to have calculated incorrectly (although JW just accept it), the correct date being 587. See above link.

  • blondie

    pudgey, I take it you have never been a JW?

    This is a complicated topic. Basically, the WTS takes several prophecies in Daniel and some explanatory scriptures to say that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 and counting forward 2,520 years (360 days x 7 years; a day for a year) that it brings you to 1914, a date which has been interprented as when Armageddon would begin, the beginning of the presence of Christ (originally 1874), and the beginning of Christ ruling in the heavens (originally 1878). All secular historical sources place the date as 587 BCE thus make the date 1914 truly 1934.


    (midwich, )

  • pudgey1

    thanks for the link midwichcuckoo it should answer most of my questions.

    blondie i was an unbaptized publisher for 6 months (have now left) and funnily emough went through all that with the daniel book. It went in one ear out the other but now im backing up my doubts so am paying more attention to things i should have from the very beginning

  • greendawn

    It's a date that only the JWs hold to be true the rest of the world do not accept it. They got it from the Adventists in the 19th century and it was based on wrong data at a time when the history of the Middle East was not very advanced.

  • Poztate
    Basically, the WTS takes several prophecies in Daniel and some explanatory scriptures to say that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 and counting forward 2,520 years (360 days x 7 years; a day for a year) that it brings you to 1914,

    Is it not true that to make the calculation stick they magically change the "years" from 360 day years to the more conventional 365 day years to come up with 1914? Have they ever offered any explaination of how that worked?

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Can't be. The IQ of the GB I mean. Thats waaay too high for them.

    Could be the combined IQ of the WHOLE sodding 6mil lot of ' em , though.


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