my favorite mayor is at it again... pt 2

by hillbilly 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly


    Law-abiding citizens of New Orleans who were forced to relinquish their legally owned firearms to the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) will have to wait, indefinitely, to regain their property. New Orleans officials revealed they have not returned any firearms, as Mayor Ray Nagin and the city have yet to set up a return process.

    "Mayor Ray Nagin continues to deny freedom by denying lawful citizens their Second Amendment rights," stated NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. "First, he confiscates law-abiding citizens' firearms and lies about it. Then, he fails to comply with court orders. Now he refuses to return the legally owned firearms to their rightful owners by dragging his feet. It's a disgrace."

    After denying the illegal confiscation for months, on March 15, 2006, Mayor Nagin and the NOPD conceded in federal court that they do have seized guns stored in locked steel containers. The city then agreed in court to a process by which law-abiding citizens may file a claim to receive their confiscated firearms.

    However, a New Orleans official handling the gun confiscations stated that no guns have been returned because the NOPD requires background checks, and the city has not set up a process. The official acknowledged, "We've been told it was going to happen weeks ago.and still hasn't been done."

    NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox stated, "During a time of chaos and lawlessness, Ray Nagin took away the only means of protection law-abiding citizens had, and by delaying necessary and appropriate action to right this wrong, he blatantly continues to disrespect New Orleans citizens. The Mayor's contempt of court, his contempt of the Second Amendment, and his disrespect of the law-abiding gun owners of New Orleans is shameful."


    NRA will be holding a special Town Hall Meeting in New Orleans next week to spotlight and document the plight of the city's law abiding residents, who were forced to surrender their legally owned firearms in the chaotic aftermath of hurricane Katrina.

    Residents who were victims of this injustice are encouraged to attend the meeting and share their stories. This is an opportunity to tell NRA what the City of New Orleans did to trample your Second Amendment rights when you needed them most.

    NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, and NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox will host the Town Hall Meeting. Be sure to come out and tell them your story.

    The Meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 18, at 7:00 p.m., at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel, Salons D & E, 555 Canal Street, New Orleans. For more information please call (877) 292-3637. Parking and admission are free. We hope to see you there!

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