Is there a 12 step program for a sports addict?

by whyamihere 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Last night, I was watching all the Baseball games.....till 12:00 am. Damn Cubs lost!

    I feel asleep on the couch with my Cubs hat, and the remote in my hand. My husband wakes up this morning to look at his past out wife on the couch sleeping with her team apparel on.(he thinks I am nuts)

    I feel like if I don't wear(my hat or t-shirt) it all day they lose...I try and put all my lucky items on, hoping it makes them win. I am almost running late in picking up my daughter from preschool, because I am either watching the games, or listening to them on the radio. My husband doesn't mind baseball, but he hates when we go on trips, and I am driving listening to the game(any sport event) screaming (kids were with us so the language was PG)! I should have married someone just as crazy as I.

    I even watch a few games all at the same time.....A few years ago we were going to buy a washer and dryer, and I couldn't do it when I saw the Big Screen TVs. I had to have one with good reason. I swear the guy selling us the TV looked at me as if I was from a different world. We got the washer and Dryer at a later time.

    Any other women like myself out there? I grew up around 4 brothers, and my father who are all sports fans like I. They are more nuts than I, believe it or not.

    I think I need help....

    So what teams and sports do you all like?


  • ButtLight
    I think I need help....

    You THINK? I wont ever go in public with you again when there is a game on!

  • confusedjw

    Just guess...

  • Jourles

    The problem isn't your addiction, it's your choice in baseball teams.

    Let's see. The cubs last won a pennant........when? I could tell you which team you should root for, but then your family might disown you - kinda like being df'd.

  • whyamihere
    I wont ever go in public with you again when there is a game on!

    Yes, you will. You love all my ticks and shouts!!!!! Don't forget all the clapping I do!

    Besides, you're invited to my house for a cook out(soon), and I will make sure a game is on.


  • ballistic

    I can think of worse addictions. I have several of them.

  • whyamihere
    I can think of worse addictions. I have several of them.

    Me too....However, I was just pointing a addiction that was morally ok. Brooke

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