Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-Semitism and the Third Reich

by Lady Lee 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Somebody asked this question but I don't know where that was so....

    I found this document that I saved from a website when I first started researching. I had the link saved to the bottom of the page but it seems that it is no longer on the net. I am only posting the beginning of the document that responds to whether Rutherford was anti-Semetic before 1933.

    For those who don't know Dr. Penton is well respected in his field, is the Author of Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses and Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada: Champions of freedom of speech and worship and he has most recently published a book called Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich: Sectarian Politics Under Persecution

    Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-Semitism and the Third Reich

    The Watch Tower Society's Attempted Compromise with Nazism

    M. James Penton

    Since the Second World War, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society has taught Jehovah's Witnesses that while the German churches, both Catholic and Protestant, were guilty of compromise with Hitler and the Nazi Party, their German brethren, then commonly known as "Earnest Bible Students," stood solidly against the principles of the Third Reich. Because of the brave stand taken by most ordinary German Witnesses in the face of a terrible persecution that cost many of them their lives in Hitler's concentration camps, they have rightly been praised by secular historians-a fact which the Watch Tower Society has used to buttress its assertions.

    For example, The Watchtower magazine of October 1, 1984 (p. 8), reported the findings of Christine E. King and Michael Kater to the effect that the number of Witness imprisonments and deaths brought about by Nazi persecution had been greatly underestimated. Quoting Dr. King, it stated:

    "`Theological principles were adhered to; Witnesses remained "neutral," they were honest and completely trustworthy and as such, ironically, often found themselves employed as servants of the S.S.'"

    What has not generally been known either by most Jehovah's Witnesses or many independent scholars, however, is that while ordinary German Witnesses did generally maintain their integrity and commitment to their principles, their leaders--the Watch Tower's second president, Judge Joseph F. Rutherford, and the man who succeeded him in office in 1942, Nathan H. Knorr, plus high German Watch Tower officials-did not.

    Furthermore, Rutherford and his lieutenants tried to save the German arm of their movement by scapegoating the Jews and attacking Great Britain, the United States, and the League of Nations.

    During the first half of their history, the Bible Student-Jehovah's Witnesses were notable for their sympathy to the Jews. Even more than most late nineteenth- and twentieth-century American Protestant premillennialists, the Watch Tower's first president, Charles T. Russell, was a thoroughgoing supporter of Zionist causes. He refused to attempt the conversion of the Jews, believed in the Jewish resettlement of Palestine, and in 1910, led a New York Jewish audience in singing the Zionist anthem, Hatikva [1] For more than a decade after Russell's death in 1916, Judge Rutherford followed in his footsteps.

    In 1925 he produced a small book entitled Restoration, based on a series of radio broadcasts he had given, and in 1926 he published a similar volume called Comfort for the Jews. In both, he proclaimed himself a friend of the Jewish people and asserted that Jewish migration to the ancient Holy Land was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Identical Publisher's Forewords to Restoration and Comfort for the Jews stated:

    THE rebuilding of Palestine is claiming the attention of Jews throughout the earth. Some of the Gentile world powers are outwardly favoring the movement but manifestly for selfish reasons.

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD, known throughout the world as a friend of the Hebrew people, is vigorously supporting the claim of the Jews to the Holy Land. He is opposed to proselytizing the Jews, holding that such is not only wrong but contrary to the Scriptures. His lectures to large audiences, which have been broadcast throughout the world, on "JEWS RETURNING TO PALESTINE", have created an intense interest. There is a good demand for them in printed form. He has simplified these lectures and now presents them in book form. This volume will be of profound interest to Jews and Gentiles alike. It is the first unbiased presentation of the subject from the Scriptural viewpoint published.

    The Publishers send forth this volume confident that it will do much good.

    In 1930 Rutherford produced a larger volume on the same theme called Life. But suddenly he repudiated his beliefs respecting the Jews. Life was withdrawn from circulation, [2] and in 1932 Rutherford proclaimed that "fleshly Israel" had no specific role to play in salvation history. He wrote:

    The Jews were evicted from Palestine and `their house left unto them desolate' because they rejected Christ Jesus, the beloved and anointed King of Jehovah. To this day the Jews have not repented of this wrongful act committed by their forefathers. Many of them have been returned to the land of Palestine, but they have been induced to go there because of selfishness and for sentimental reasons.

    During the long period elapsing from the time of their expulsion to the present day the Jews have not "borne the shame of the heathen" for Jehovah's sake, nor for the name of Christ. During all this period of time, and particularly during the World War, the true followers of Christ Jesus devoted to God, and to his kingdom, have been bearing the shame of the heathen and have been hated by all the nations for Christ's sake and the sake of Jehovah's name. (Matt. 24: 9: Mark 13: 13)

    In contrast to this, during the World War the Jews received recognition of the heathen nations. In 1917 the Balfour Declaration, sponsored by the heathen governments of Satan's organization, came forth, recognized the Jews, and bestowed upon them great favors. In this the seventh world power [the British Empire] took the lead. Now Big Business and other wings of Satan's organization place the Jews alongside of and in the same category as the Gentiles. Heretofore even God's people have overlooked the fact that the affairs of God's kingdom with reference to the things of the earth are of far greater importance than the rehabilitation of that little strip of land on the eastern side of the Mediterranean sea. The Jews have received more attention at their hands than they have really deserved. Therefore this prophecy [of Isaiah] must have its chief fulfillment upon the true people of God's kingdom which are now on earth. [3]

    Perhaps the judge was simply anxious to assert that Jehovah's Witnesses were the "true Israel of God," but it seems that he had other reasons for making such a dramatic doctrinal switch without any more detailed explanation. While he may formerly have proclaimed himself a pro-Zionist "friend of the Hebrew people" in the tradition of his predecessor, he occasionally manifested a streak of deep-seated anti-semitism. For example, while giving a talk on biblical prophecies respecting the return of the Jews to Palestine at a Canadian Bible Student convention in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in the early 1920s, he interjected:

    "I'm speaking of the Palestine Jew, not the hooked-nosed, stooped-shouldered little individual who stands on the street corner trying to gyp you out of every nickel you've got." [4]

    The article goes on to discuss the attitude of Rutherford during the Hitler years

  • DannyHaszard

    Valuable information

  • VM44

    Jim Penton's article is still online here (references included):


  • Leolaia

    This first scan is from the Golden Age....Judge Rutherford replies to the anti-Semitic statements of a correspondent...notice what he says in response....

    These sentiments are almost the same as those expressed in a later article:

    "Not every man who is a descendent of Abraham is a Jew, by any means. Be it known once and for all that those profiteering, conscienceless, selfish men who call themselves Jews, and who control the greater portion of the finances of the world, will never be the rulers in this new earth. God would not risk such selfish men with such an important position" (Golden Age, 23 February 1927, p. 343).

    Here are also scans from Rutherford's book Vindication, vol. 2 (published in 1932):

    And from the 1933 Declaration of Facts presented to the Nazi government (as published in the 1934 Yearbook):

    Here is a scan of the extract of the Society's Hitler letter that cites their agreement with Section 24 of the Nazi Platform (note the references to the "German Race" and "opposing the spirit of Jewish materialism"), and the German edition of the Declaration of Facts which includes a new statement not found in the original English that maligns the Catholics and Jews for joining together to boycott Germany because of the Nazi Party's principles (including the ones against the Jews):

    Anti-Jewish statements are found in a 15 December 1933 Watchtower:

    The Declaration is also echoed in a 1 January 1934 Watchtower article:

    The 1934 booklet Favored People also has some choice words:

    From Rutherford's 1937 book Enemies:

    And after WWII, this statement was published in Let God Be True (1946 ed.) which blames the Jews themselves for their own sufferings, including presumably the recent Nazi persecution. This statement was removed in the 1952 edition:

    It should also be said that in the late 1930s and early 1940s, the Society did report many of the atrocities committed against Jews by Germans and condemned them as horrific, Satan-inspired acts. And the bigoted statements presented above did not probably reflect the views of the average JW. Yet these statements still stand many years later as a testimony of an anti-Semitic streak in "God's organization" during the 1930s and 1940s....

  • amiable

    I found an interesting conversation between some JWs and a student who wanted information on Zionism. He thought JWs were Zionists. Here are some interesting quotes. I don't know if the facts are right. I don't even know if the links still work. He talks about Henry Ford as if Henry Ford was a Zionist, too. I don't know if his history is any good, but if he's right, Henry Ford sounds a lot like some of Rutherford's quotes.

    The original dialogue is here:

    These are the quotes:

    Thank you cuso for your offer. The 1940's is the latest decade I care about for this project.

    I'm hoping that someone can comment on ideas I am getting so far from reading Mr. Rutherford.

    It looks like the Jehovah's Witness religion lost interest in Zionism by 1930. I think in the 1930s JW started to exactly match the position that the Seventh Day Adventist religion had already held since before 1900.

    For examples of the Seventh Day Advent position see:

    I am thinking that Pastor Russell had been a Zionist for purely religious reasons but Mr. Rutherford had a bigger interest for political reasons, yes?

    I am curious about Mr. Rutherford's politics. From what I read he is promoting a neutral position. Here is a problem. I am thinking of neutrality as not especially for or against a political policy. But Mr. Rutherford is strong against many policies. I haven't had the time to make out a consistent pattern of his politics. It might have changed over time.

    At least I can tell that Mr. Rutherford is usually against big business, and always against Catholics, and usually more favorable to labor than capitalists. He is always against imperialism especially America and Britain. He wanted Britain out of Palestine. So did most Jews. Many Adventist and others saw the USA and Britain as the new Israel which replaced Zionism. But Mr. Rutherford disagreed. It looks like Zionism disappeared from JW because Mr. Rutherford started to explain that good Israel was only found in the JW church and bad Israel only in the other churches and nations.

    I am most troubled by how Mr. Rutherford made his last pro-Zionist writing in 1925 and yet showed a change of attitude toward Jews after 1926. After the second release of Mein Kampf in 1926 many Germans also changed their tune about Zionism just as quickly.

    I don't mean that Rutherford was influenced by Hitler's book, but it looks like he knows about it. He sounds like he was really influenced by Henry Ford, who began with anti-Zionism as early as 1920. I've traced a lot of Henry Ford's beliefs already.

    Before 1926 many religions didn't believe in Zionism for Bible prophecy but still liked the idea as a social justice for fairness to Jews like an extension of the social gospel. The social gospel was represented by many religions, Adventist too, like Jane Addams, founder of Hull House in Chicago, or the Kellogg's Sanitorium, for health and social work of the Seventh Day Adventists in Battle Creek, Michigan by the Kelloggs. The Kelloggs visited Jane Addams' to model the Adventist place and Henry Ford (Detroit) visited both of them, spending a lot of time with the Kelloggs. In 1915 Henry Ford, Paul Kellogg (another Michigan Kellogg) and Jane Addams formed the main part of a delegation to Europe to try reaching a World War I armistice as early as 1916 (Peace Boat). They were all anti-war. Henry Ford started to think the Jews were responsible for WW I based on his contacts starting on the Peace Boat.

    Can anyone tell me if Mr. Rutherford who is also anti-war ever collaborated with people like Henry Ford? Some of what Mr. Rutherford writes sounds like he had already read Henry Ford around 1926. I speak of course, especially about Mr. Ford's book "The International Jew" which he started in the early 1920's. It is claimed (in Neil Baldwin's book on Ford) that this book was on the tables of Nazi headquarters in Munich as early as 1922 with pictures of Henry Ford on office walls.


    I found Henry Ford's book on a site that is faulted for being anti-Semitic, so I didn't want to just make a link. But I have the book and the quotes are accurate.

    "as the representative of Communism in the United States one Charles Recht, a Jew, a lawyer by profession, who maintained an office in New York. This office was the rendezvous of all the Jewish labor union leaders in the city"
    "New York is the laboratory in which the emissaries of revolution learn their lesson, and their knowledge is daily increased by the counsel and experience of traveling delegates straight out of Russia."
    "and they are Jewish groups. Russia is not more Jewish controlled than France; Germany tried in vain to loosen the grip of Judah from her throat. So it is in America."
    "The Jews have captured American trade union movements as completely as if they had stormed them with the bayonet."
    "The two divisions of Jewish wealth and political power are - first, German Jewish, represented by the Schiffs, the Speyers, the Warburgs, the Kahns, the Lewisohns and the Guggenheims. These play the game with the aid of the financial resources of the non-Jews. The other division is composed of the Russian and Polish Jews who monopolize the lower ranks of trade and industry. Between them their grip and influence is absolute."
    "Yet the International Jew of America cannot be absolved from bearing sole responsibility for it. Russian Bolshevism came out of the East Side of New York where it was fostered by the encouragement - the religious, moral and financial encouragement - of Jewish leaders."
    "Will Jewish Zionism Bring Armageddon?"

    "When the British Army passed into Jerusalem in the memorable capture of the city in 1917" .... "Zionism is the best advertised of all present Jewish activities and has exerted a greater influence upon world: events than the average man realizes. In its more romantic aspects it makes an appeal to Christians as well as to Jews, because there are certain prophecies which are held to concern the return of the Jews to Jerusalem. When this return takes place, certain great events are scheduled to ensue.
    Because of this admixture of the "religious" sentiment, it is sometimes difficult for a certain class of people to scrutinize modern Political Zionism. They have been too well propagandized into believing that political Zionism and the "return" promised by the prophets are the same thing.
    Zionism is challenging the attention of the world today because it is creating a situation out of which many believe the next war will come."
    "To adopt a phraseology familiar to students of prophecy, it is believed by many students of world affairs that Armageddon will be the direct result of what is now beginning to be manifested in Palestine."
    "People sometimes ask why Jewry, which is capitalistic, should favor Bolshevism, which is the announced enemy of capital".It is an interesting question. Why should a New York Jewish financier".
    The Jews who are receiving the freedom of our cities today in their various aspects as "German" and "British" scientists are Eastern Jews. They have come to a contest with the Jews of America on the question of Money. The Jews of America have smothered some very ugly charges. The Jews of the East, more recently of Germany or England, are not likely to be browbeaten by the moneybags of Jewish New York."

    Mr. Henry Ford perfectly describes Mr. Rutherford's prediction of Armageddon. They both say the belief is about labor and capital. I didn't go back far enough to see if this was also something that Pastor Russell believed. If it is then maybe it was Henry Ford that was influenced by Pastor Russell or someone else who believed the same thing.

    But I have never seen anyone except Henry Ford and Mr. Rutherford say that Armageddon is about labor and capital.

    Also there are some quotes that might be from Mr. Rutherford that I must get more information about. They remind me even more of Mr. Henry Ford and his Michigan newspaper campaign about Jews. It looks like there is a controversy about whether some quotations from Mr. Rutherford are true. It looks like they are true but that the JW understands them different from others. I need the JW side if someone can point me to a reference.

    The quote is from a website. It is supposed to be from a JW book:

    "The greatest and most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American Empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills." [from the 1934 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses printed in 1933]

    Also there is a letter that was supposed to be sent to Hitler that must have been in German. Someone translated parts of it like this:

    "the purely religious and apolitical goals and objectives of the Bible Students [JW] ... are in complete harmony with the similar goals of the National [Nazi] Government of the German Reich."
    Apparently this gives the JWs the exact same problem that Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir gave the Zionists for several years up until 1941. Shamir had said the exact same thing when trying to form an alliance with the Nazis. It is an embarrassment for Jews that Shamir didn't stop with the idea of an alliance against a common enemy like Britain but went so far as to offer a state in complete harmony with the non-religious political goals of the Nazis. I am amazed at the similarity.

    Although it turns out to be well documented in the case of Shamir, it still sounds like some anti-JW propaganda to say that Mr. Rutherford said the same thing. Is there a JW translation and explanation of these documents?

    Also, I have some questions about the proverb that Mr. Rutherford quotes: "The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills."
    I have heard that proverb in about 4 different ways, but never quite like that. I'll find some information on it for a post.


    I did some web searches to survey the expression:

    The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.

    I've heard it from my grandfather, but only as it appears in the first two entries below.

    Here is how it is worded in the book "New-York" by Paul Morand a Frenchman. It was published in 1930 about his visits in the 1920's:

    "the Jews own New York, the Irish run it, and the Negroes enjoy it."
    At this web site: an author in 1993 comments on the phrase and says it was a "contemporary bromide".

    The 1925, in a Harlem publication, it was written the same way exactly in The "Survey Graphic" Harlem Number (March 1925):

    "The Jews own New York, the Irish run it and the Negroes enjoy it."
    It was understood by that writer to mean something positive about New York. That New York had not developed the prejudices that Negroes experienced in other places, and therefore they could really enjoy New York.

    The Autobiography of Dastur Dhalla (1875-1956)
    The Saga of a Soul in 1946 quotes from the early 1900's period: "Of a big city like New York it was said: "The Jews own New York and the Irish run New York". But the book immediately goes on to discuss prejudice against Catholics and Negroes, similar to the life story below: quotes it like this:

    "Jews own New York, the Irish run New York, and the Christians live in New York."
    That was the from the early memories of a Christian Methodist woman born in 1912 in New York to a family who says its only prejudice was against Catholics. There is a special mention that even members from the south were not prejudiced against Negroes.

    It's odd that a site of Yiddish words and phrases has this entry:

    "My favorite town in all the world, Savannah, GA, is just a short distance from where I live. There is an old saying about Savannah: "The Irish run it, the Jews own it, and the Protestants enjoy it!"
    A review of Steve Monroe's novel "'57, Chicago" says: it's a fast-moving, iconography-heavy piece of pulp sports fiction best summed up by a central character's simplistic but colorful proclamation "Chicago: The Jews own it, the Micks run it, and the n[egroes] live in it." The book works through a veritable checklist of racial epithets and stereotypes.

    This is a more recent version on in a pro-Irish context:

    The irish built, the Jews own it, and the Italians run it.:

    The book Confessions of Shanty Irishman refers similarly to San Francisco.

    I've seen many more examples, most with three parts where two parts are nearly always Jews and Irish and the third are usually African-Americans and sometimes Italians or another exception. Most cases seemed to be about Irish running in the sense of doing the day-to-day running around work like policing, building, labor. But Mr. Rutherford is the only case I could find where Irish was replaced by Irish Catholics and it might change the sense to the idea that Catholics are running New York politically and that Rutherford thinks of this as bad.

    I wonder if Mr. Rutherford knew that Adolph Hitler had close ties to Catholics.


    You are right, I would not think the JWs could make any alliance with Hitler. It was Yitzhak Shamir that tried to form an alliance with Hitler. Mr. Shamir became the Prime Minister of Israel. It is embarrassing that a Jew and Zionist would do that. But it was worse that Shamir would state his support and agreement for the ideologies of the Nazis. Mr. Shamir knew the Nazi position toward Jews. He said that the support of Israel would help erase some of the bad reputation Nazis had in Germany and Europe. And the attacks against Jews by Nazis were already well known in the 1930s. Shamir kept trying to work with Nazis until 1941.

    Mr. Rutherford must have also known Hitler's position against the Jews and against the British. Hitler already spoke of how much better it would be to without Britain and how much better it would be to *gas* Jews by the thousands in his book Mein Kampf in 1925 and 1926. Mr. Rutherford says he knows that:

    "the present government of Germany has declared emphatically against Big Business oppressors."
    Was it Mr. Rutherford's own idea that it was the Jews who were the real oppressors behind Big Business, or did he already know that Hitler would agree with that? Was Mr. Rutherford teaching Hitler something new when he said this?

    "It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing"
    I can't see any other reason for Mr. Rutherford to distance his religion from the British and the Jews. If this was all he said I am already having trouble to say Mr. Rutherford was neutral. But Mr. Rutherford said more. I don't understand this kind of neutrality.

    Mr Rutherford said that he was imprisoned for supporting Germany and fighting against Britain and America. The translation of Mr. Rutherford's words that I have is:

    "The Brooklyn administration of the Watch Tower Society is and in the past has been outstandingly friendly to Germany. For this reason the president of the Society and seven members of its Board of Directors in the United States were sentenced to 80 years imprisonment."
    I don't know where Mr. Rutherford showed that he was outstandingly friendly to Germany before. That would have been before the Sedition Act of 1918 it sounds like. Did he say why he was more friendly to Germany than he was to other nations? It does not sound neutral?

    Mr. Rutherford also said that his Watchtower and Bible magazines were the only magazines in the entire United States that refused to publish war propaganda against Germany. This to me says that Mr. Rutherford knows the same thing that many nations know. It sounds like he knows that support can also hide behind neutrality.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    wow Thanks for all the additions.

  • greendawn

    Very good information, but can we be sure that Rutherford had really become antisemitic or was he doing this just to save the bacon of the JWs in Germany? Only a few years earlier members of the Jewish masonic lodges in the USA (bnai brith) were sending letters to Switzerland to smooth Rutherford's coming journey there.

  • amiable


    Where is the information about the lodges sending letters to Switzerland? That should be interesting, too.

    BTW, I noticed in the 2004 quotes that Pellechia of the Watchtower recommended Jim Penton's book. I thought that was too interesting to pass up so I made a new post about it.

  • Leolaia

    greendawn....Rutherford's derogatory comments about Jews pre-date the ascendency of the Nazi Party and the change in Rutherford's stance on Zionism, so they do seem to be more of his own personal views in spite of the inherited stance on Zionism (inherited from Russell).

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