
by Andy C 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Andy C
    Andy C

    Do you chase rainbows, or live in the real world? I have had my share of both. Which is better faith or reality?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I guess I like to chase the rainbows I know I can touch, or at least the ones I think I've got small chance at. Letting dreams rule over our lives can be something that simply isn't pratical, but that's not to say that we shouldn't dream. All of us need some dreams.

  • ballistic

    The World Food Program says 144970 people have died in the tsunami disaster of South East Asia. It sure comes close to putting that rainbow covenant at risk.

  • anewme

    There may be rainbows to discover in reality.

  • wanda

    Reality must be "confronted" if but when near death.

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