w2001 7/15 on pedophilia

by Moxy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy

    i noticed this in the WT where the study article was this week. i didnt see this posted here (apologies for the spam if it was) but im sure it would interest some here. this is from an article about tolerance, one of the articles from the 'liberals,' as Maximus would say.

    Of course, we need to avoid being overly tolerant. For instance, terrible damage is done when religious authorities tolerate abusive priests who persistently molest boys and girls. "Treating the children as occasions of sin," commented one reporter in Ireland, "the church authorities merely moved on the offending priest [to another location]."

    Is just transferring such a man an example of proper tolerance? Hardly! Suppose a medical body allowed an irresponsible surgeon to continue operating, transferring him from one hospital to another, even though he was killing or maiming his patients. A mistaken sense of professional loyalty might produce such "tolerance." But what about the victims whose lives were lost or adversely affected because of negligent or even criminal practices?

  • Amazing

    Hi Moxy: Thanks for posting this comment from the Watchtower. It is fascinating how they can publish this in light of their own serious problems with pedophiles in the Watch Tower organization. Maybe this issue will bring about some serious reflection and changes in the JW movement. Only time will tell. Thanks again. - Amazing

  • blondie

    As long as it is kept secret through the judicial committee process, I doubt if many JWs will believe this is happening in their own congregations...that it is only an occasional thing in someone else's congregation.

    The only people who "really" know that this happens are the victims, the victimizers and the elders who may find out by design or accident. The victims and any supporters are threatened with expulsion if they tell anyone in the congregation and are strongly discouraged to seek outside help (as in mental illness and alcoholism). No, the elders say, "we can handle this here in the congregation...why go outside and drag in the world and sully Jehovah's name."

    My personal experiences with JW situations and those in other religious communities is that people cannot believe that those things could go on in their religious commmunity without their being able to sense it happening. If they didn't see it happening, they become frightened...about what else might be going on they don't know about. So they will stick their heads in the sand unless someone they really respect and trust tells them this horrible thing is really true.

    The emperor is naked...but no one wants to look.

  • Kent
    A mistaken sense of professional loyalty might produce such "tolerance." But what about the victims whose lives were lost or adversely affected because of negligent or even criminal practices?

    How true! I only hope these bastards will pay for their own crimes and mistaken sense of tolerance and loyality!

    It would be a graet start if the elders in the congregations were ripped clean - and had to face personal ruin! I bet the "priviledges" would be less interesting then....

    Yakki Da


    I need mor BOE letters and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • CPiolo

    Oops! I replied to the wrong post.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Thanks Moxy for highlighting this point.

    It just screams of damage-control to me. The WTS can point to these statements and some in another article and say: "See, the accusations against are trumped-up lies. We've been saying all along that we support and help the victims and support the policy of dealing with the abusers. See how we said in this article: 'Is just transferring such a man an example of proper tolerance? Hardly!' and 'we need to avoid being overly tolerant'. See, they are lying when they say we protect the abuser"...and so on and so on...

    But surely the truth of the facts will jump out at ones who cannot find an excuse for the behavior of the WTS as will be brought out in the public soon. Many may stand firm and deny the facts at first but its got to have an undermining effect that will cause the crumbling to start. Even if its a slow crumble, it will have the WTS scrambling.

  • blondie

    It is interesting that the WTS has a clergy class when it is convenient, imitating those they badmouth.


    A clergy class and special titles are improper Matt. 23:8-12; 20:25-27; Job 32:21, 22

    By C.D. Bradley [email protected].8650

    Carl and Barbara are arguing on appeal that the Witnesses' elders cannot claim ecclesiastical privilege because they are volunteer, thus unpaid, clergy…

    Moreno said when a Witness goes to an elder with an accusation of abuse, the first step the elders should take is calling the church's legal department.

    He said there are then three factors considered: protecting the child, complying with the law, and protecting minister-adherent confidentiality, with the last receiving the least weight.

    The legal department will then advise the elders what is required by law. Twenty-two states, including Illinois and the District of Columbia, do not require clergy to report accusations of child abuse. In those states, Moreno said, the legal department generally advises the elders not to report the matter to law enforcement authorities.

    My comments:

    The issue is not that the elders are not professionally paid or trained and so are not considered “clergy,” but by the WTS own admission “A clergy class and special titles are improper Matt. 23:8-12; 20:25-27; Job 32:21, 22” there is no clergy class among JWs. Isn’t it hypocritical for the WTS to turn around and claim “clergy privilege” in not reporting sexual child abuse?(Rhetorical question)

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