Watchtower Candy

by TooBad TooSad 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    My dear wife loves to give the Watchtower magazine to whom ever she comes in contact with. The hair dresser, doctors, plumbers, neighbors, sales clerks, door to door sales people. etc. It is like passing out candy. Does she really think that these magazine victims are going to read the spiritual dribble?

    However she would not dream of taking any type of religious tract from someone else and reading it or would she ever go to another church if invited to go. However she expects people from other religions to accept her invitation to go with her to the Kingdom Hall and to read her religious information.

    Witnesses are on a one way street. Their thinking is so shallow yet it is deep enough to bury their individualism. The more I think about the more I say "too bad, too sad."

  • wombat

    Don't worry about it...She has t keep her magazine placments and time up and that is an easy way to do it. Much better than knocking on doors.

    What country are you from at this time of day/nite?......Wombat

  • LDH
    It is like passing out candy.

    LOL, I disagree. Some people actually LIKE candy.

    Great analogy though. Although it's more like passing out herpes in a gift wrapped bag. "Here, this valuable life saving gift is for you." and then, sur-prise, sur-prise.

    Too bad, once in the 90's my parents went to see some old-timey Perry-Como-Like performer at a local college. The average audience age was 65, my parents were, like, the youngest in the house. After the show, the performer came down to the audience to greet his fans. My mother handed him a Live Forever book. I remember this because she remarked that at the exact moment she handed it to him, a spotlight briefly glinted on the gold foil lettering and it flashed out over the audience!!!! LOL, it was like a sign from Jehoober himself.


    They've cornered the market on Gold Foil Lettering! Class

  • SickofLies

    Its not about benfiting others or helping them, its about making your self feel good.

    Its all about getting someone to trust you and then taking advantage of them.

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