What are the "legal loophole" ?

by chasson 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • chasson

    In http://www.silentlambs.org/BerryArticle.htm

    Silentlambs said:

    " In this case the avoidance of recognizing that the elders due to mind control forced Sara into silence caused the judges to rule in dismissing the case. In every decision it has been made clear that the elders had a moral and ethical obligation but a legal loophole prevented them from going forward with civil litigation. This was also noted in the Erica Garza, California case as well in which the Statue of limitations prevented the case from continuing though the judge called the actions of the elder egregious and outrageous in the way Erica was treated. In Minnesota, the Heidi and Amber case also was lost on appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court, not because they were not molested, nor because the elders morally and ethically failed to report, but once again on a legal loophole that was hard won with hundreds of thousands of dollars of Jehovah’s Witness donated funds being spent on legal fees to protect the interests of a child molester acused of molesting several children."

    Have you more documentation on "legal loophole" in the case of Heido and Erica Garza ?



  • chasson

    For the case of Heidi Meyer, i have found it:


    I have not found however, if Lindala has been condemned ?

    For the case of Erica Garza i am still searching ?



  • geevee

    So the question begs to be asked: Does the Watchtower Society and The Congreagations [Elders especially] care for the children? Do they really abhor child abuse as the thrust down the throats of many blind follwers?
    They say they do, but when it comes down to the line they deny their duty of care.
    Hiding behind legal eagles. These Judges do not know the extent of the control that each member bestows upon elders and how that control is exercised, by elders and the gb [notice lower case] unless you have lived in that society, you can not understand the awe and respect for man's opinions that must be shown.
    How can GOD let this injustice continue? I have read all the victim stories on silentlambs, and it always leaves me dumb struck.

  • blondie


    Charles, have you ever thought of communicating with Kimberlee Norris, a non-JW lawyer in Texas who has been coordinating JW sexual abuse cases for some time?


    I would also Google the lawyers names on those other cases and get in contact with the claimants attorneys.

    Also, many states do not require "clergy" to report sexual abuse to the authorities and the WTS hides behind the definition of "clergy" although the WTS says they have no clergy. I think you will find that the state statutes regarding clergy reporting are nonexistent or weak or ambiguous in the states were the cases you named were tried.

    An organization called SNAP is trying to get all 50 states to require everyone under all circumstances to report abuse and to be held liable and punished for not doing so.



  • chasson

    Another time, thanks Blondie, i will follow your advice.

    I am trying to make a complete sum-up of all known's case of pedophily inside JW all around the world, here:




  • merlin2

    Just FYI - in the case of Heidi and Amber - Nothing has happened to Lindala. He is still in good standing with his congregation and last I heard is married now. Sitting through this case has really shown what a legalistic organization JW's are. By any christian standard they would have been condemned - but they do have good lawyers. In case you wonder how I know this - I am Amber's (AKA Jane Doe) father and a very close friend of Heidi and her family.

  • chasson


    You want to say that Lindala was not condemned ?



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