Protect your Family from the Internet

by Poztate 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    This was a sign that I saw out front of a church today.This was to be their Sunday sermon or discussion. I would imagine the main thrust of their comments would be about porn and how to shield the "family" from it.

    I could see the dub's starting a whole Sunday talk about the same thing in the near future.They will of course tsk...tsk...tsk porn but will soon get on to what will really protect a "dub family" DAMMIT...Don't use Google..Don't type JEHOVAH or WITNESS into a search field. SATAN™ is lurking ready to pounce and destroy your faith By the way we are now offering a net blocker for a small contribution that will block all those Nasty sites and send a report to the PO if there are any violations.

  • mkr32208

    I can see that as a new release at the ASSembly! A net blocker to help filter out "objectionable" material. Of course they wouldn't tell you that sites like this would be included too!

  • Poztate
    I can see that as a new release at the ASSembly! A net blocker to help filter out "objectionable" material. Of course they wouldn't tell you that sites like this would be included too!

    I don't want to give them any idea's...BUT...they could just build one into the WT CD's every year.Might not even tell anyone that they did it. Kind of like Kazza and all the imbedded stuff they have.You don't really have to know.

  • EAGLE-1

    I have been doing a study on internet porn for years.I think that heels could put out someones eye.Thats my biggest fear.I will warn my children about this when they are old enough.

  • jstalin

    I read on the Internet somewhere that the Internet is evil.

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