interesting comment of an elder

by DannyBloem 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem

    he said to me concerning the 'growth'of the last years:

    every year that God waits with armageddon, there are people comig into the truth that will be saved. But also each year that god waits much more new people are born, and much more people will be destroyed.

    Never thought of it that way, but in their line of reasoning this is the case....


  • blondie

    Makes me wonder, are more people being born every year than are being baptized as JWs? If so, God should bring the hammer down now based on that.

  • carla

    How can he say more people are coming into the truth? Aren't the numbers actually dropping off?

  • DannyBloem
    How can he say more people are coming into the truth? Aren't the numbers actually dropping off?

    No, the numbers are still increasing. At elast worldwide they are.

  • blondie

    That's correct, increase for 2005, 1.3% but a drop from the increase in 2004, 2.0%, and in 2003 2.2%, and in 2002, 2.8%.

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