Most of the general population has no idea about the JW blood rule!!!

by whyizit 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyizit

    Nearly everyone I know has had a JW at their door. They know that they don't celebrate holidays or birthdays. They know they don't salute the flag. They know they where dresses and suits and take their polished-up little kids door-to-door with them. In fact, that is the biggest complaint I've heard from most people. They know how cruel some are and they think it is awful that the JWs will subject their little children to getting the door slammed in their face, or getting sent off the property in a rather short and mean-spirited fashion. Not to mention, you just don't know what kind of unstable person you are exposing these children to. Some of these strangers, are STRANGER than most!

    But hardly anyone knows about the blood rule. And most that I have been in contact with who DO know they won't accept blood transfusions, do NOT know that IF THEY DO, they will be dealt with harshly. They think that it is merely a matter of personal choice. They know absolutely nothing about the Liason Committee or the pressure and coercion to comply. They have NO IDEA!!! They especially have never had the thought cross their minds; that a minor child could be left to die, for need of a simple blood transfusion.


    It is very important for SHUNNED FATHER's case to continue in court. I've looked up many references to his case and he is on the up-and-up. Even Randy Watters has pledged $100 and is challenging others to do the same. You can bet the WTS is counting on him not being able to raise the funds to continue, and they are sweating it, because it is a highly publicized case. They are counting on him running out of funds and no one stepping up to help him.

    I'm going to match Randy Watters $100, today. I'm going to the post office and getting it sent before the day is up. This is a legitimate opportunity to change things for the better. Think how many children's lives could be saved! Think how many people will be educated about this blood rule! Especially since it is of interest to the media. Just imagine how many people out there who think it is terrible for a little kid to get the door slammed in their face, will take notice of THIS manner of cruelty and danger to a child!

    Can you imagine that your spouse and their religious belief cost your child their life, and YOU were left powerless to do anything about it? And now, when you have worked so hard and have come so far to try to prevent it from happening to anyone else, the very people who have been your biggest emotional support, won't help you a little financially? All of the sudden they think you are a con-artist with a get-rich-quick scheme?

    The guy is easy to find. He's been on this site repeatedly. His story is in the media. He needs help. And we need him to continue, for the sake of children who are in serious danger. Please consider donating to his cause.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    But hardly anyone knows about the blood rule. And most that I have been in contact with who DO know they won't accept blood transfusions, do NOT know that IF THEY DO, they will be dealt with harshly. They think that it is merely a matter of personal choice. They know absolutely nothing about the Liason Committee or the pressure and coercion to comply. They have NO IDEA!!! They especially have never had the thought cross their minds; that a minor child could be left to die, for need of a simple blood transfusion.

    Many of the people my husband has talked to at work about what has happened with me are surprised to learn about the blood policy.

    When they put it all together, they look at him rather oddly and say "Doesn't that make it a cult?"


  • greendawn

    There is a lot that must be done to make the general public aware about the unacceptable cultic polices of this org such as shunning by the family, the destruction of marriages, the protection of pedophiles, and the intimidation that persuades JWs to forego life even for their own children so as not to have blood transfusions.

    It has always been primarily the duty of ex JWs to promote such awareness.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I'm not sure about that - most people I know are aware that JW's don't accept blood transfusions, however, I think that possibly they don't realise the full implications of refusing blood (ie all the 'side issues' such as actually being prepared to die rather than take blood, complications with major surgery and illneses, childbirth etc)

    I think there is less awareness of the practices such as those which greendawn mentions - shunning, disfellowshipping and pressure to conform to the org regime.

  • Balsam

    I wish I had $100.00 to send Lawrence, but I just don't. I've contributed $10.00 here and there though and I think people should give what ever they can afford to help Lawrence. He is on the up and up folks if are uncertain check him out.


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