Complaints Against JW's in Local Paper

by Chloe 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chloe

    I've been amused at the verbal warfare going on in my local newspaper. They have a column on Saturdays and Sundays where people can write in anonymously to say what they feel.

    Here is what someone wrote in a couple of weeks ago: It would be nice if those of you soliciting your religion would realize you are interrupting my day. If I want to talk with you I will invite you to my home. If you find my gate closed that means I don’t want visitors and if that gate has a sign on it reading, "No Solicitors," please accept that it does mean you!

    Here was the response the next week from a good dub: To the person who thought it would be nice if we would not come to their door with Bible messages. You may be forgetting that a lot of people have interest in the Bible and enjoy visiting with us about it. We are going door to door to find them, and, believe me, we do find them. Also we are doing our part to fulfill the prophecy at Matthew 24:14, which is a privilege. No soliciting involved at all. If you change your mind, let us know.

    If you would like to send in your 2 cents worth, the address is

  • unclebruce

    Yeah like a closed gate is going to stop a dedicated witness™ lol.

    ***To the person who thought it would be nice if we would not come to their door with Bible messages***

    No Dummy the person thought you should f off to the cesspits of hell

  • kristyann

    We also get those complaints in our local paper about a couple of times a year. Generally, the people complain that they work night-shifts and are trying to sleep during the day, so they can't have people calling on them when they are attempting to get some very necessary sleep (I don't really blame them). I can't say that I have ever seen any replies or rebuttals from JWs, though... I don't think newspaper-reading is generally very popular amongst them, at least not in my area.

  • elliej
    To the person who thought it would be nice if we would not come to their door with Bible messages. You may be forgetting that a lot of people have interest in the Bible and enjoy visiting with us about it. We are going door to door to find them, and, believe me, we do find them. Also we are doing our part to fulfill the prophecy at Matthew 24:14, which is a privilege. No soliciting involved at all. If you change your mind, let us know.

    Welllll, I think thats a stretch! In my years of door to door witnessing I can honestly say I never found anyone interested in the JW version of the Bible, let alone people who enjoyed seeing us. Sure, people took the mags, just to be nice, but I never saw anyone excited that we were calling. The only people I ran into with that response were Christians happy for the prospect to share their witness with me.

  • Chimene

    LOL! That's funny, I just had 2 signs made last week that hange together, they say "NO SOLICITING AND NO RELIGION"

    I want to see them try to get around that one!

  • Elsewhere

    Do you have a URL to the oline version of these letters? I looked around but could not find them.

    Here is how I would reply:


    Regarding people who solicit their religion, the other day someone said: "You may be forgetting that a lot of people have interest in the Bible and enjoy visiting with us about it. We are going door to door to find them, and, believe me, we do find them."

    If you look at the Watchtower website you will find their statistics for last years activities ( I did a little arithmetic and found something very interesting. Jehovahs Witnesses spent a total of 1,278,201,985 hours preaching to people. In that time they managed to convert and baptize 247,631 people. Now, considering that the average Jehovahs Witness spends about 10 hours per month in their preaching work, this means that it took on average the equivalent of 43 YEARS of work to convert just one person ( 5,162 hours).

    I suspect you may be wrong in your conclusion that there are plenty of people who want to listen to your bible message. The numbers don't lie.


  • Chloe

    Here is the address to read You Said It:

    Here is the e-mail address to send your own reply: mailto:[email protected]

  • Elsewhere


    The message has been sent. I noticed that most of the messages displayed were only a few sentences, so I hope mine was not too long.

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