happy new service year's eve!

by Moxy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy

    just thought id like to remind all the former pioneers that today would be the last day to get in your time for the year. unless you were one of those annoying elite pioneers that got your time in early - i hated you folks. actually i suspect that most of the former pioneers here didnt get their time in that often at all. but still, those years when u squeaked it thru on aug 31 -- that was a pretty sweet feeling, no?


  • nytelecom1

    damn..is it time for me to lie on my report again......what will it be this month...10 hours or 8

  • Michael3000


    Yuck! Why'd you have to mention that? Around this time of year back when I was a Pie-In-Ear, I'd have nervous tummy feelings about all those months I fudged my time


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

  • Amazing

    Hey Moxy: Can I count all my time on JWD, H20, E20, J20, NL2, NewSalem, Channel C, Carm, Quest, and the Mormon BB? between these in the last year, I must have racked up a 1,000 hours. Amazing

  • Moxy

    michael: didnt those nervous tummy feeling go away after a while? it got easier and easier every time!

    in celebration of New Service Year's Eve, and also as a memento for all of days gone by, how bout i post my personal timesheet from my first ever auxiliary pioneer months. aug 1988. i still remember that long aug 31, putting in a 5 hour day to catch up. at that time, 5 hours seemed like forever, it would be yers later as a regular pioneer id learn to put in a 5 hour day or more without hardly noticing id even BEEN in service, hehe.

    i also see from my records that Mrs Jones with the Last Days article placed is long overdue for an RV!


  • Fredhall


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